LBPLittle Big Planet (game)
LBPLow Back Pain
LBPLead-Based Paint
LBPLebanon Pound (Currency Unit, ISO)
LBPLocal Broadcast Procedure
LBPLenovo Business Partner
LBPLaser Beam Printing
LBPLand Bank of the Philippines
LBPLipopolysaccharide-Binding Protein
LBPLaser Beam Printer
LBPLinear Binary Pattern
LBPLow Blood Pressure
LBPLester B. Pearson (High School)
LBPLocal Binary Pattern (computer vision)
LBPLow Budget Production
LBPLeadbeater's Possum (endanagered Australian possum)
LBPLondon Biodiversity Partnership (UK)
LBPLength Between Perpendiculars
LBPLow Back Pressure (compressors)
LBPLeadership Best Practices
LBPLeft Behind Parent (child abduction)
LBPLaunceston Broadband Project (Australia)
LBPLok Biradari Prakalp (Marathi: People's Brotherhood Project; India)
LBPLouisiana Board of Pharmacy
LBPLinux Business Pavilion (COMDEX)
LBPLocal Backprojection
LBPLand Based Plant
LBPLand-Based Prototype
LBPLower Boundary Point
LBPLong Beach Peninsula (Washington)
LBPLog Belief Propagation
LBPLife Business Projects Pvt Ltd (New Delhi, India)
LBPLow Blood Protein
LBPLunchBox Productions (gaming)
LBPLocal Business Process(es) (US Army Corps of Engineers)
LBPLimited Business Partnership (Uzbekistan)