Acronym | Definition |
LBP | Little Big Planet (game) |
LBP | Low Back Pain |
LBP | Lead-Based Paint |
LBP | Lebanon Pound (Currency Unit, ISO) |
LBP | Local Broadcast Procedure |
LBP | Lenovo Business Partner |
LBP | Laser Beam Printing |
LBP | Land Bank of the Philippines |
LBP | Lipopolysaccharide-Binding Protein |
LBP | Laser Beam Printer |
LBP | Linear Binary Pattern |
LBP | Low Blood Pressure |
LBP | Lester B. Pearson (High School) |
LBP | Local Binary Pattern (computer vision) |
LBP | Low Budget Production |
LBP | Leadbeater's Possum (endanagered Australian possum) |
LBP | London Biodiversity Partnership (UK) |
LBP | Length Between Perpendiculars |
LBP | Low Back Pressure (compressors) |
LBP | Leadership Best Practices |
LBP | Left Behind Parent (child abduction) |
LBP | Launceston Broadband Project (Australia) |
LBP | Lok Biradari Prakalp (Marathi: People's Brotherhood Project; India) |
LBP | Louisiana Board of Pharmacy |
LBP | Linux Business Pavilion (COMDEX) |
LBP | Local Backprojection |
LBP | Land Based Plant |
LBP | Land-Based Prototype |
LBP | Lower Boundary Point |
LBP | Long Beach Peninsula (Washington) |
LBP | Log Belief Propagation |
LBP | Life Business Projects Pvt Ltd (New Delhi, India) |
LBP | Low Blood Protein |
LBP | LunchBox Productions (gaming) |
LBP | Local Business Process(es) (US Army Corps of Engineers) |
LBP | Limited Business Partnership (Uzbekistan) |