MTMontana (US postal abbreviation)
MTMountain Time
MTManual Transmission (automotive)
MTMetric Ton
MTMedical Technologist
MTMagnetic Tape
MTMedical Transcriptionist
MTMeasurement Ton
MTMultiple Threads / Multi-Threaded (computing term)
MTMotor Trend (magazine)
MTMy Time
MTMusic Therapy
MTManagement Team
MTMessage Type
MTMusical Theater
MTMaat (German military)
MTMean Time
MTMatthew (Bible)
MTMillion Tons
MTMother Tongue
MTMovable Type (web publishing system)
MTMassage Therapist
MTMidtown (neighborhood; band)
MTMathematics Teaching (Journal)
MTMato Grosso (Brazil)
MTMedical Tribune
MTMorse Taper
MTManufacturing Technology
MTMachine Translation
MTMatera (Italy)
MTMetatrader (software)
MTMaintenance Technician
MTMoving Target
MTMotor Transport
MTMidas Touch
MTMeal Ticket
MTMuay Thai (Thai martial art)
MTMinistry Team (US DoD)
MTMasoretic Text (Jewish Bible)
MTMission Trajectory
MTMegaTokyo (anime)
MTMegaTokyo (webcomic)
MTMain Track (railroads)
MTMobile Terminal
MTMagnetic Particle Testing (welding)
MTMatanzas (postcode, Cuba)
MTMy Turn (gaming)
MTMozilla Thunderbird
MTMinor Threat (band)
MTMain Tank (gaming)
MTMother Theresa
MTMathematics Teacher (journal of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics)
MTMedium Truck
MTMaintenance Trainer
MTMaximum Torque
MTMobile Terminated (telecommunications)
MTMarket Turbulence
MTMarianas Trench (band)
MTMembrane Type
MTMaintenance Test
MTMegaTokyo (comic strip)
MTMannesmann Tally (printing)
MTMarine Transportation
MTMetric Tonne
MTMersenne Twister (number generator)
MTMultiple Threats (US DoD)
MTMeitnerium (element 109)
MTMasterpiece Theater (PBS show)
MTMission Time
MTMessage Transfer
MTMilitary Transport
MTMori Trust (real esate; Japan)
MTMortise and Tenon (woodworking)
MTMedial Temporal (brain)
MTMick Taylor (Rolling Stones member)
MTMeasurement Technology
MTMobile Team
MTModified Tweet (Twitter)
MTMark Time
MTMember Training
MTMidwifery Today
MTMedia Tensión (Spanish: Medium Voltage)
MTMirage Tank (Westwood Studios)
MTModule Test
MTMeasured Time
MTMembership Training
MTMechanical Transport
MTMobile Transporter
MTModus Tollens
MTMicroType (typing teaching software)
MTMinistry of Shipping (British archival material; Stanford University; Stanford, CA)
MTMorningthaw (gaming, Asheron's Call)
MTMedieteknik (Swedish)
MTMechanical Time (Fuze)
MTMechanical Time (artillery fuze)
MTMixing Tank
MTMarine Technician
MTMaritime Tropical (weather; air mass)
MTMotor Tanker
MTMaster of Technology (degree program)
MTMode Transition
MTMean Tide
MTMagister's Terrace (gaming, World of Warcraft)
MTModern Trade
MTMississauga Transit (Canada)
MTMissile Technician
MTMistell (gaming)
MTMilchtrinker (gaming clan)
MTMeningitis Trust (UK)
MTMonon Trail (Indiana)
MTMuscle Thickness
MTMobile Target
MTMiss Type
MTMother Tincture
MTMeditación Trascendental (Spanish)
MTMaryland Theatre
MTMach Technologies
MTMedial Temporal Cortex (part of brain)
MTMana Tombs (gaming)
MTMission Test
MTMaster Trooper
MTMoluccas Time (GMT+0830)
MTMiss Tell (gaming)
MTMas Tequila
MTMegger Test (insulation resistance)
MTMemoria de Traducción (Spanish: Translation Memory)
MTManagement Threshold
MTMessage Transmit
MTMedium Terminal
MTMovement Tracker
MTMaximum Tillering
MTMissionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity (religious order)
MTMode Transducer
MTMouse Times (message board)
MTModechart Toolset
MTMugglethai (website)
MTMachina Terra (game)
MTMadness Temple (forum)
MTMilitiae Templi (gaming clan)
MTMobius Transformation
MTMetering Tank
MTMansfield Typewriter
MTMaster's of Taxation
MTModtacular Clan (gaming group)
MTMinistria e Transportit (Albanian: Ministry of Transport)
MTMerit Transportation Company
MTManitoba Transit (Canadian public transit website)
MTModerator Detritiation
MTMáfia do Tom
MT(USN Rating) Missile Technician
MTModulation Thermography
MTMilitary Technician/Training
MTMission Trainer/Training
MTMechanical Time/Transport
MTMittel Trage (Semi-Delay)
MTMeguma Terrain