LOBLarge Object(s)
LOBLine Of Business
LOBLeft On Base (baseball)
LOBLegion of Boom (Seattle Seahawks)
LOBLibrary of Birmingham (Birmingham, England, UK)
LOBLegend of Blue-Eyes White Dragon (Yu-Gi-Oh cards)
LOBLarge Object
LOBLinked Object
LOBLine of Balance
LOBLoaf of Bread
LOBLateral Organ Boundary (genes)
LOBLand of Bears (anime)
LOBLine-Of-Balance (project management)
LOBLaboratory of Biomedical Optics (Switzerland)
LOBLots of Blood (band)
LOBLoss of Balance
LOBLimit Order Book (finance)
LOBLoad of Bollocks
LOBLive on Board
LOBLordz of Brooklyn (band)
LOBLimit of Blank
LOBLow-Order Byte
LOBLazy Old Bastard
LOBLaunch Operations Building
LOBLost on Board (travel)
LOBLimitation of Benefit (insurance)
LOBLow-Order Bit
LOBLease Office Building (United Arab Emirates)
LOBLost on Base (military slang)
LOBLocally Optimum Bayes (parametric theory)
LOBLimited Operating Base
LOBLondon over the Border (Girl Guides Association geographic area)
LOBLoss Of Bargain
LOBLeft Out Board (locations of aircraft underwing pylons)
LOBLine Of Bearing/Balance
LOBLand Order of Battle
LOBLocal Option Budgeting
LOBLoss Of Break