MFBMonochrome Frame Buffer
MFBMelamine Faced Board (wood product)
MFBMetropolitan Fire Brigade (Australian non-volunteer)
MFBMichigan Farm Bureau
MFBMetropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board (Melbourne, Australia)
MFBMedial Forebrain Bundle
MFBMicro Finance Bank
MFBMillat Facebook (social network site alternative)
MFBMultifunction Button
MFBMissouri Farm Bureau
MFBMatched Filter Bound
MFBMinnesota Farm Bureau
MFBMaryland Farm Bureau
MFBMetal Fight Beyblade (anime)
MFBMean Fractionalized Bias
MFBMush for Brains
MFBMassachusetts Film Bureau
MFBMozilla Firebird (browser)
MFBMerge from Branch (software versioning)
MFBMinnesota Freedom Band (Minneapolis, MN)
MFBMaintenance Free Battery
MFBMaterial Fielding Plan
MFBMicrowave Fluidized-Bed
MFBMittelstand und Freiberufler (category of small businesses in Austria)
MFBMontevina Fume Blanc (Wine)
MFBMiss Fussy Britches
MFBMaryknoll Fathers and Brothers (Maryknoll, New York)