Acronym | Definition |
LPO | Legal Process Outsourcing |
LPO | London Philharmonic Orchestra |
LPO | Local Processing Office |
LPO | Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra |
LPO | Lactoperoxidase (enzyme) |
LPO | Local Products Organization |
LPO | Login Policy Object |
LPO | Local Print Object |
LPO | Light Path Object |
LPO | Lavoro e Previdenza Oggi (Italian: Work and Pensions Today) |
LPO | Landing Page Optimization (search engine optimization) |
LPO | Leading Petty Officer |
LPO | Legal Process Offshoring |
LPO | Loan Production Office |
LPO | Loss Prevention Officer (undercover security officers; especially in department stores) |
LPO | Local Purchase Order |
LPO | Lattice Preferred Orientation |
LPO | Libertarian Party of Ohio |
LPO | Licensed Post Office (Australia) |
LPO | Limited Purchase Order |
LPO | Lost Property Office |
LPO | Limited Practice Officer |
LPO | Left Posterior Oblique |
LPO | Law Practice Optimization |
LPO | Library Partition Option (data storage) |
LPO | Libertarian Party of Oregon (est. 1971) |
LPO | Local Planning Office (various locations) |
LPO | Licensed Prosthetist Orthotist |
LPO | Low Power Oscillator |
LPO | Local Public Health Officer |
LPO | Little People of Ontario (Canada) |
LPO | La Porte, Indiana (Airport Code) |
LPO | Local Processor Outage |
LPO | Limited Principle of Omniscience (mathematics) |
LPO | Local Physician Organization |
LPO | Last Patient Out (clinical trials) |
LPO | Licensed Program Offering |
LPO | LightPath Object (optical link) |
LPO | Loss Prevention Observation |
LPO | Launch Panel Operator |
LPO | Lean Promotion Office |
LPO | Low Power Operation |
LPO | Large Property Owner |
LPO | Livingston Post Office (Rutgers College) |
LPO | Lead Project Office |
LPO | Le Pas Opton (La Vendee, France) |
LPO | Least Principle of Omniscience |
LPO | Launch Program Office |
LPO | Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseuax (France) |
LPO | Late Payment Offer (insurance) |
LPO | Loop Phase Offset |
LPO | Liquid Plant Operator |
LPO | Linear Phase Output |
LPO | Las Plumas Oroville Marching Band (Oroville, Ca) |