Acronym | Definition |
MDE | Maryland Department of the Environment |
MDE | Mississippi Department of Education |
MDE | Michigan Department of Education |
MDE | Mir Doch Egal (German gaming) |
MDE | Memorando De Entendimiento (Spanish: Memorandum of Understanding) |
MDE | Minnesota Department of Education |
MDE | Microsoft Document Explorer (software) |
MDE | Maschinendatenerfassung (German: Machine Data Collection) |
MDE | Minnesota Democrats Exposed (political website) |
MDE | Model-Driven Engineering |
MDE | Modular Design Environment |
MDE | Manual Data Entry |
MDE | Meta Data Explorer |
MDE | Modular Display Electronics |
MDE | Multiple Document Environment |
MDE | Model Driven Engineering |
MDE | Mitsubishi Design Europe |
MDE | Multiple Design Environment |
MDE | Major Depressive Episode |
MDE | Master of Distance Education |
MDE | 3,4-Methylenedioxy-N-Ethylamphetamine (empathogenic/psychedelic drug closely related to MDMA) |
MDE | Maîtrise de la Demande d'Energie (French: Control of Energy Demand) |
MDE | Major Defense Equipment |
MDE | Motor Drive End (electric motors) |
MDE | Microsoft Data Engine |
MDE | Mobile Daten-Erfassung (German) |
MDE | Multiple Data Entry |
MDE | Mechanical Design Engineer |
MDE | Mobile Data Entry |
MDE | Microsoft Development Environment |
MDE | Market Development Engineering |
MDE | Ministerio de Defensa de España (Ministry of Defense) |
MDE | Maryland Dance Energy |
MDE | Maryland Dance Ensemble (University of Maryland) |
MDE | Medellin, Colombia - La Playas (Airport Code) |
MDE | Man Day Equivalent (labor) |
MDE | Minimum Distance Estimator |
MDE | Aeropuerto Olaya Herrera (Medellin) |
MDE | Manufacturing Development Engineering |
MDE | Managed Desktop Environment (HP) |
MDE | Main Diesel Engine (naval engineering) |
MDE | Motor Drive Electronics |
MDE | Mucinous Ductal Ectasia |
MDE | M Data Extractor (middleware) |
MDE | Mechanism Drive Electronics |
MDE | Missile Defense Element (Army) |
MDE | Mutual Deterrence Equilibria |
MDE | Mechanical Drive Electronics |
MDE | Molecular Design of Explosives |
MDE | Modified Dirac Equation |
MDE | MacBean Design-East (design consultancy) |
MDE | Main Propulsion Diesel Engine |
MDE | Machine Design Engineering (various locations) |