MBAMaster of Business Administration
MBAMaster Builders Association
MBAMassachusetts Bar Association
MBAMetropolitan Builders Association (Milwaukee, WI)
MBAMonterey Bay Aquarium
MBAMedia Bloggers Association
MBAMortgage Bankers Association of America
MBAMacBook Air (Apple notebook computer)
MBAMountain Bike Action
MBAMontgomery Bell Academy (Nashville, TN)
MBAMarine Biological Association
MBAMusée des Beaux-Arts (Montréal, QC, Canada)
MBAMiddle Bronze Age
MBAMarket Basket Analysis (financial technique)
MBAMain-Belt Asteroid (astronomy)
MBAMedicine/Business Administration
MBAMaster of Bad Activities
MBAMind Body Awareness
MBAMorten Beyer & Agnew (aviation firm; various locations)
MBAMechanical Brake Assist
MBAMacro Block Address
MBAMemory Boost Accelerator
MBAManagement Business Analyst
MBAMemory Bus Adapter
MBAMicrosoft Business Agreement
MBAManagement Business Administration
MBAMalcolm Baldrige Award
MBAMarks Barfield Architects (UK)
MBAMotor Bike Accident (health care)
MBAMinority Bar Association (New York)
MBAMemphis Bar Association (Memphis, TN)
MBAMunicipal Building Authority (Utah)
MBAMedical Billing Association
MBAMuseo de Bellas Artes (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
MBAMassachusetts Bankers Association
MBAMarried But Available
MBAMinnesota Board on Aging (Saint Paul, MN)
MBAMonterey Bay Academy (La Selva Beach, CA)
MBAMortgage Bankers of America
MBAMutually Beneficial Arrangement
MBAMinnesota Ballpark Authority (est. 2006)
MBAMediocre But Arrogant (Abhijit Bhaduri book)
MBAMain Battle Area
MBAMilitary Benefit Association
MBAManagement of Business Administration
MBAMetropolitan Basketball Association (Philippines)
MBAMedical Association of Billers
MBAMaterial Balance Area
MBAMeasure of Body Apperception (psychology)
MBAMacroblock Address
MBAMonthly Benefit Amount
MBAMontana Bankers Association
MBAMexico Broadcasters Association
MBAMembership by Approval (forums)
MBAMilitary Bases Agreement
MBAMultiple Business Agreement (Australia)
MBAMulti-Beam Antenna
MBAManagement by Accident
MBAMarin Builders Association (San Rafael, CA)
MBAMalaysian Buddhist Association
MBAMultiple-Beam Antenna
MBAMetropolitan Bus Authority
MBAMombasa, Kenya - Moi International (Airport Code)
MBAMaster of Beer Appreciation
MBAMarried By Accident
MBAMonroe Business Associates (Trumbull, CT)
MBAMore Bad Advice
MBAMethylene Blue Agar
MBAMike Baxley and Associates (Baxley, TX)
MBAMessage Board Announcements
MBAManitoba Beekeepers' Association
MBAMalaysian Bengalee Association
MBAMilford Business Association (Milford, Michigan)
MBAMatt Benton Agency (shipping; US and Canada)
MBAMaster Bullshit Artist
MBAMabelle B. Avery Middle School (Connecticut)
MBAMorehouse Business Association (Morehouse College, Atlanta, GA)
MBAMuslim Basketball Association
MBAMaterial Balance Accounting
MBAManagement Billing Advantage (Sprint)
MBAMarion Baptist Association
MBAMultipoint Broadband Access (Chipset)
MBAModular Body Armor
MBAMichiana Beekeeper's Association
MBAMake Busy Arrangements
MBAMinimum Burst Altitude
MBAMedical Bill Advisor
MBAMichigan Board of Aeronautics
MBAMaritime Beekeepers Association
MBAMaintenance Group Blocking Acknowledgement
MBAMission Bon Accueil (French)
MBAMichiana Builders Association, Inc. (South Bend, IN)
MBAMessage Broker Architecture
MBAMulti-Bus Adapter
MBAMassachusetts Beekeepers' Association, Inc.
MBAMississippi Beekeepers Association
MBAMarine Bewakingsafdeling (Dutch)