Acronym | Definition |
MBB | Men's Basketball |
MBB | Mobile Broadband (telecommunications) |
MBB | Master Black Belt (Six Sigma) |
MBB | Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (various schools) |
MBB | Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm |
MBB | Mobile Broadband |
MBB | Master Boot Block |
MBB | Multiplier Broadband |
MBB | Mind, Brain and Behavior (various schools) |
MBB | My Best Bill |
MBB | Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden) |
MBB | Malayan Banking Berhad (Malaysia) |
MBB | Make Before Break |
MBB | Mexican Bean Beetle (insect) |
MBB | Moisture Barrier Bag |
MBB | Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry (various universities) |
MBB | Mormons Building Bridges |
MBB | Men Behaving Badly (TV) |
MBB | Muslim Background Believers (Christians who converted to Christianity from Islam) |
MBB | Municipal Bond Bank (various locations) |
MBB | My Best Bud |
MBB | Mediators Beyond Borders |
MBB | Mind, Body and Breath (Yoga) |
MBB | Music beyond Borders |
MBB | My Bad Bro |
MBB | Management Building Block |
MBB | My Blood Boils |
MBB | Motorized Bottom Bracket |
MBB | Meredith Baxter Birney (actress) |
MBB | Mortgage Brokerage Business |
MBB | Medial Branch Block |
MBB | Misty Bird Bath (various companies) |
MBB | Modular Building Block |
MBB | Multiverso Bate-Boca |
MBB | Mission-Based Budgeting |
MBB | Micro-Building Block |
MBB | Multi-Batch Buffer |
MBB | Modulated Broadband |
MBB | Marshall Blues Breaker (guitar amplifier) |
MBB | Master Bedroom Bathroom |
MBB | McKinsey, Bain, and BCG (Boston Consulting Group) |