Acronym | Definition |
MEP | Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing (architectural) |
MEP | Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NIST) |
MEP | Member of the European Parliament |
MEP | Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (engineering services) |
MEP | Ministerio de Educacion Publica (Spanish: Ministry of Public Education) |
MEP | Migrant Education Program |
MEP | Ministry of Environment Protection (various locations) |
MEP | Message Exchange Pattern |
MEP | Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (various organizations) |
MEP | Maximum Extent Practicable |
MEP | Multiple Employer Plan (retirement savings structure) |
MEP | Metacarpophalangeal (joints) |
MEP | Mission Essential Personnel (US Air Force) |
MEP | Missions Etrangères de Paris (French: Society of Foreign Missions of Paris; France) |
MEP | Minority Engineering Program (college) |
MEP | Multi-Entertainment Player (various companies) |
MEP | Management Engineering Program (US Air Force) |
MEP | Model European Parliament |
MEP | Motor Evoked Potential |
MEP | Mobile Electric Power (Generators) |
MEP | Main Entry Point |
MEP | Mobile Electric Power |
MEP | Maintenance Enforcement Program |
MEP | Mitsubishi Engineering-Plastics (Japan) |
MEP | Media Embedded Processor |
MEP | Medical Education Partnership (Schofield Media Europe Ltd.) |
MEP | Mars Exploration Program |
MEP | Maximum Extent Possible |
MEP | Marine Environmental Protection |
MEP | Midwest Airlines (ICAO code) |
MEP | Mean Effective Pressure |
MEP | Maximum Expiratory Pressure |
MEP | Mission Equipment Package |
MEP | Maximum Entropy Principle |
MEP | Molecular Electrostatic Potential |
MEP | Major Excreted Protein |
MEP | Multiple Extraction Procedure |
MEP | Market Energy Price |
MEP | Main Export Pipeline |
MEP | Medical Evaluation Program (various locations) |
MEP | Marine Expeditionary Force |
MEP | Master Exercise Practitioner |
MEP | Movimiento Electoral di Pueblo |
MEP | Maximum Extent Practical |
MEP | Minimum Entry Point (US NASA) |
MEP | Management Education Program |
MEP | Megakaryocyte-Erythroid Progenitor |
MEP | Movimento Evangélico Progressista (Portuguese: Progressive Evangelical Movement; Brazil) |
MEP | Motor End Plate (neuromuscular junction) |
MEP | Monitoring, Execution, Planning |
MEP | Master of Environmental Planning (Arizona State University degree) |
MEP | Metagenics Educational Programs |
MEP | Micro Enterprise Program (various locations) |
MEP | Medium-Energy Physics |
MEP | Margin Enhancement Program (procurement) |
MEP | Municipal Emergency Plan |
MEP | Multi-Ethnic Police |
MEP | Modified Epley Procedure (posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo treatment) |
MEP | Manitoba Egg Producers (Winnipeg, MB, Canada) |
MEP | Master Evaluation Plan |
MEP | Minister of Energy and Petroleum (Venezuela) |
MEP | Music Elective Program (Singapore) |
MEP | Mobile Equipment Personalization |
MEP | Management Engineering Plan |
MEP | Minimum Earned Premium (insurance) |
MEP | Micro-Electric Propulsion |
MEP | Multi-Element Phase-toggle |
MEP | Minimum Engagement Package (US Army) |
MEP | Multimodality Evoked Potential |
MEP | Military Equipment Park |
MEP | Mission Execution Plan |
MEP | Multiple Editor Project (videos) |
MEP | Mexican Electronic Processing |
MEP | Master Entry Plan |
MEP | Maintenance Enhancement Program |
MEP | Main European Port |
MEP | Main Enable Plug |
MEP | Minimum Entropy Probability (mathematics/statistics) |
MEP | Methods Engineering Program |
MEP | Mechanical, Electrical and Plant (construction) |
MEP | Method Engineering Program |
MEP | Mid-Continent Environmental Project Pte Ltd (Singapore) |
MEP | Mature Equivalent of Protein |
MEP | Major Electronics Procurement |
MEP | Module Error Permeability |
MEP | Media and Editorial Productions |
MEP | Mobile Elevated Platform |