MERMars Exploration Rover (NASA)
MERMercredi (French: Wednesday)
MERModulation Error Ratio (digital communications)
MERMerrill Lynch (stock symbol)
MERMercoledì (Italian: Wednesday)
MERMonthly Energy Review
MERManagement Expense Ratio
MERMaputo Elephant Reserve (Mozambique)
MERMedical Evidence of Record (US SSA)
MERMutual Evaluation Report (various locations)
MERMiddle East Report
MERMinimum Error Rate
MERModule Error
MERMobile Equipment Event Reporting
MERMobile Edge Router
MERMean Explicit Rate
MERMultichassis Ethernet Router
MERManagement Economie en Recht (Dutch)
MERMinistry of Education and Research
MERMarketing and External Relations (various locations)
MERMedical Examiner's Report (insurance)
MERMiddle East Region (Society of Petroleum Engineers)
MERMid-East Realities
MERManaging Electronic Records
MERMedical Education and Research (exam)
MERMain Equipment Room (various organizations)
MERMedical Education Resources (Littleton, Colorado)
MERMarket Exchange Rate
MERMedicaid Estate Recovery (est. 1995)
MERMedication Errors Reporting (healthcare)
MERCastle Airport
MERMinimum Equipment Requirements (sailing races)
MERManagement Evaluation Report
MERMaterials and Electrochemical Research (Tucson, Arizona)
MERMission Evaluation Room
MERMultiple Ejector Rack
MERMAC Encapsulated Routing
MERMuseum Education Roundtable (Washington, DC)
MERMedia Efficiency Ratio (advertising)
MERMaximum Efficient Rate
MERManagement-Employee Relations (USACE)
MERMentoring and Coaching
MERMethylenetetrahydromethanopterin Reductase
MERMaximum Effective Range
MERMechanical Equipment Room
MERMonthly Economic Review
MERMarketing Education Review (journal)
MERMarketing Expense Ratio (finance)
MERMathematics and Education Reform
MERManpower Estimate Report
MERMajor Expenditure Request
MERMessage Error Rate
MERMelamine Ether Resins
MERMarine Environmental Response (US Coast Guard Marine Safety Office)
MERMinimum Energy Requirements
MERMonitoring, Evaluation and Research
MERMain Engine Room
MERManagement and Employment Relations
MERMouvement Européen de La Ruralité (French: European Countryside Movement)
MERMaximum Error Rate
MERMedical Expense Reimbursement
MERMental Health: Evidence and Research Team (WHO)
MERMcDaniel Executive Recruiters
MERMinimum Educational Requirement
MERMileu-Effect Rapportage
MERMiscellaneous Expense Report
MERMinimum Essential Requirement
MERMaintenance Evaluation Report
MERMission Essential Requirement
MERMinimum Energy Route
MERManpower Estimate Relationship
MERMITEC Early Release
MERMerchant Shipping Control Plan (US Navy)
MERMulti-Echelon Reporting
MERMarriage Enrichment Requirement (Marine Corps chaplains)
MERMaritime Environmental Response
MERMitigated Emergency Receiver
MERMinor Element Ratio
MERMaterials Examination Report