MCHMaternal and Child Health
MCHMemory Controller Hub (Intel)
MCHMedical College Hospital (India)
MCHMinistry for Culture and Heritage (New Zealand)
MCHMother and Child Health (Centers)
MCHMean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
MCHMontreal Children's Hospital (Montreal, Canada)
MCHMiami Children's Hospital (Miami, FL)
MCHMulti Channel
MCHMemory Controller Hub
MCHMacromedia Extra Cache File
MCHMaintenance Channel
MCHMean Cell Hemoglobin
MCHMedical Center Hospital (Odessa, TX)
MCHMethodist Children's Home (Waco, TX)
MCHMunicipal Corporation of Hyderabad
MCHMonterey County Herald (newspaper; California)
MCHMaster of Surgery
MCHMonadnock Community Hospital (Peterborough, NH)
MCHMassachusetts Coalition for the Homeless
MCHManagement Center Handwerk (Germany)
MCHMission Community Hospital (Panorama City, CA)
MCHMulticast Channel
MCHMulti-mission Cutter Helicopter (US Coast Guard)
MCHMicrofibrillar Collagen Hemostat (blood clotting substance)
MCHMachine Check Handler
MCHMinnesota Coalition for the Homeless
MCHModified Cooper Harper (Scale; workload research)
MCHMalicious Call Hold
MCHMemory Channel Hub
MCHMoney, Cash, Hoes (Jay-Z song)
MCHMarlette Community Hospital (Michigan)
MCHMighty Cows of Holland (gaming clan)
MCHMaserati Club Holland (automobile club; Netherlands)
MCHMemory and Command Handler
MCHMobile Call Handoff (NewStep Networks)
MCHMuseum of Church History and Art