Acronym | Definition |
MCI | Microwave Communications Incorporated |
MCI | Mild Cognitive Impairment |
MCI | Medical Council of India |
MCI | Management Center Innsbruck (educational institution; Austria) |
MCI | Mass Casualty Incident |
MCI | Marine Corps Installations |
MCI | Media Control Interface |
MCI | Michigan City (Amtrak station code; Michigan City, IN) |
MCI | Methylchloroisothiazolinone (preservative) |
MCI | Marine Corps Institute |
MCI | Millicuries |
MCI | Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. (Japan) |
MCI | Maryland Correctional Institution |
MCI | Multimedia Control Interface |
MCI | Multiport Communication Interface |
MCI | Multi Card Imager |
MCI | Multimedia Card Interface |
MCI | Media Card Imager |
MCI | Microwave Communications Inc. |
MCI | Message Channel Interface |
MCI | Multi Channel Integration |
MCI | Modeling Clipping Indicator |
MCI | Manufacturers Components Incorporated (Pompano Beach, FL) |
MCI | Monetary Conditions Index |
MCI | Mazda Canada, Inc. (Ontario, Canada) |
MCI | Monte Carlo Integration (mathematics) |
MCI | MassMutual Corporate Investors (USA) |
MCI | Multi-Channel Integration |
MCI | Mountaineering Council of Ireland |
MCI | Multiple-Casualty Incidents (emergency medicine) |
MCI | Massachusetts Correctional Institution |
MCI | Mercy Corps International (non-profit international humantarian relief and development organization; Portland, Oregon, USA) |
MCI | Management Charter Initiative |
MCI | Marine Casualty Investigation |
MCI | Motor Coach Industries Int'l, Inc. |
MCI | Midwest Communications, Inc. (radio stations) |
MCI | Mitsubishi Cable Industries, Ltd. (Japan) |
MCI | Mortgage Credit Institution |
MCI | Malicious Call Identification |
MCI | Mobile Company of Iran (state-owned telecommunications company) |
MCI | Management Concepts, Inc. |
MCI | Massachusetts Correctional Institute |
MCI | Macroinvertebrate Community Index |
MCI | Multiplex Configuration Information |
MCI | Montreal Chest Institute |
MCI | Message Center Interface |
MCI | Meal, Combat, Individual |
MCI | Manejo Costero Integrado (Spanish: Integrated Coastal Management) |
MCI | Magazine Circuit Industriel (French: Industrial Circuit Magazine) |
MCI | Multi Colour Impression (stamps) |
MCI | Mitsubishi Chemical Infonics Pte. Ltd. (Singapore) |
MCI | Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spanish) |
MCI | Multi-Cluster Interleaving (data retrieval) |
MCI | Kansas City, MO, USA - Kansas City International Airport (Airport Code) |
MCI | Measurement Layer Interface (UMA) |
MCI | Music Center, Inc (audio recording consoles) |
MCI | Meetings, Conventions and Incentives |
MCI | Multimedia Command Interface |
MCI | Malleable Cast Iron |
MCI | Martingrove Collegiate Institute (Toronto, ON, Canada) |
MCI | Managing Criminal Investigations (criminal justice) |
MCI | Multi-Command Instruction (military) |
MCI | Modern Comptrollership Initiative (Canada) |
MCI | McIntyre Media Ltd (Canada) |
MCI | Man Crush Index (fantasy football) |
MCI | Motorcycle Competition, Inc. |
MCI | Media Card Interface |
MCI | Malvern Collegiate Institute |
MCI | Managed Cost Improvement |
MCI | Magnetic Current Imaging |
MCI | Mission Capability Inspection |
MCI | Manufacturing Control Instruction |
MCI | Mississippi Certified Investigator |
MCI | Military Customs Inspection / Inspector |
MCI | Mass Communications, Incorporated |
MCI | Maintenance and Control Interface |
MCI | Major Currencies Index (Federal Reserve) |
MCI | Master Configuration Index (software documentation) |
MCI | Material Condition Index |
MCI | Material Control Index |
MCI | Metals Consulting International Limited (UK-based steel and metals management consulting firm) |
MCI | Mass Centering Inertia (physics) |
MCI | Message Communication Interface (Unit) |
MCI | Mid-Columbia Insurance |