MLBMajor League Baseball
MLBMinor League Baseball
MLBMiraculous Ladybug (anime)
MLBMiddle Linebacker (football)
MLBMoney Line Betting (gambling)
MLBMortgage Loan Broker
MLBMatt Leblanc (actor)
MLBMouseless Browsing (Mozilla Firefox)
MLBMille Lacs Band (Ojibew tribe; Minnesota)
MLBMultiple Library
MLBMissing Left Bracket
MLBMedia Library
MLBMacro Library
MLBMother Love Bone (band)
MLBMajesty Lord Blaster
MLBMerrill Lynch Bank
MLBMorgan Lewis & Bockius (international law firm)
MLBMotor Life Boat
MLBMain Logic Board
MLBMulti-Layer Board
MLBMedium to Large Business
MLBMaritime Lumber Bureau
MLBMystery Lovers Bookshop (various locations)
MLBMelbourne, FL, USA - Melbourne Regional Airport (Airport Code)
MLBMacKimmie Library Block (University of Calgary; Canada)
MLBMulti-Line Business
MLBMark Lanegan Band
MLBMainland Bridge
MLBMetallic Link Belt
MLBMarch of the Light Brigade
MLBIntermediate Life Boat
MLBMultinational Logistics Base
MLBMichael Brittin Enterprises (NASA)
MLBMobile Logistics Support Base
MLBMovable Lane Barrier
MLBMaterial Labor Burden
MLBMedian Longitudinal Bundle
MLBMedium Lead Burst Neuron (neurophysiology)