LCBFlocal cerebral blood flow
LCBFLearning Can Be Fun
LCBFLeast-Cost Best-Fit
LCBFLondon College of Business & Finance (UK)
LCBFLIFE-Changing Bible Fellowship
LCBFLions Cord Blood Foundation (Canada)
LCBFLarge Chocolate Box - Filled
LCBFLanai Community Benefit Fund
LCBFLinear Combined Basis Function
LCBFLine Construction Benefit Fund
LCBFLeadership and Community Building Fellows (Citizens Planning and Housing Association)
LCBFLeadership Community Building Fellowship
LCBFLake Champlain Balloon Festival (Vermont, USA)
LCBFLondon Confession of the Baptist Faith
LCBFLow Carbon Bainite Ferrite
LCBFLow Carbon Buildings Fund