Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.
Acronym | Definition |
MAE | Metropolitan Area Ethernet (as in MAE East) |
MAE | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering |
MAE | My Alter Ego |
MAE | Mathematics in Engineering (various schools) |
MAE | Ministère des Affaires Étrangères (French) |
MAE | Ministero degli Affari Esteri (Italian Minstry of Foreign Affairs) |
MAE | Ministerul Afacerilor Externe (Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs) |
MAE | Mid-America Earthquake |
MAE | Mean Absolute Error |
MAE | Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering (various schools) |
MAE | Middletown Adult Education (Connecticut) |
MAE | Master of Arts in Education |
MAE | Mobility Assistive Equipment (Medicare) |
MAE | Metropolitan Area Ethernet |
MAE | Metropolitan Access Exchange |
MAE | Macintosh Application Environment |
MAE | Military Advanced Education (magazine; Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association) |
MAE | Mercado Atacadista de Energia |
MAE | Metropolitan Area Exchange |
MAE | Member of the Academia Europaea |
MAE | Military and Aerospace Electronics (conference) |
MAE | Major Account Executive (Sprint) |
MAE | Macintosh Application Environment (Apple) |
MAE | Medium Altitude Endurance |
MAE | Michigan Avenue Elementary School (Florida) |
MAE | Mustang Advanced Engineering (Twinsburg, OH) |
MAE | Mesures AgroEnvironnementales |
MAE | Maarten Altena Ensemble (Dutch musical group; est. 1980) |
MAE | Mutuelle des Affaires Etrangères (French: Mutual of Foreign Affairs; est. 1944) |
MAE | Material Adverse Event |
MAE | Master of Arts in Economics (degree) |
MAE | Member of the Academy of Experts (for expert witnesses in the UK) |
MAE | Multi-Sensory Aesthetic Experience |
MAE | Mississippi Association of Educators |
MAE | Master of Applied Epidemiology |
MAE | Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (St Petersburg, Russia) |
MAE | Magneto-Active Elastomer |
MAE | Máster en Administración de Empresas |
MAE | Mechanical/Auxiliary Equipment |
MAE | Mazda Automoviles Espana (Spanish car company) |
MAE | Metropolitan Access Exchange (Worldcom) |
MAE | Moves All Extremities |
MAE | Ministry of Agriculture and Environment (various locations) |
MAE | Ministry of Atomic Energy |
MAE | Mitsubishi Automotive Engineering Co., Ltd. |
MAE | Mercado Abierto Electrónico SA (Argentina) |
MAE | Maximum Allowable Emissions |
MAE | Mean Area of Effectiveness |
MAE | Major Accident Event (Occupational Health and Safety) |
MAE | Mission Accomplishment Estimate |
MAE | Massachusetts Association of Electrologists, Inc. |
MAE | Maximum Allowable Exposure |
MAE | Metro Area Ethernet |
MAE | Missile Accident Emergency |
MAE | Mitral Annular Excursion |
MAE | Mutual Assistance, Executive (Map Appropriation) |
MAE | Mobius Account Executive |
MAE | Monitoreo de Asistencia Escolar (Spanish: Attendance Monitoring; Guatemala) |