Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.
MAEMetropolitan Area Ethernet (as in MAE East)
MAEMechanical and Aerospace Engineering
MAEMy Alter Ego
MAEMathematics in Engineering (various schools)
MAEMinistère des Affaires Étrangères (French)
MAEMinistero degli Affari Esteri (Italian Minstry of Foreign Affairs)
MAEMinisterul Afacerilor Externe (Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
MAEMid-America Earthquake
MAEMean Absolute Error
MAEMechanical and Aeronautical Engineering (various schools)
MAEMiddletown Adult Education (Connecticut)
MAEMaster of Arts in Education
MAEMobility Assistive Equipment (Medicare)
MAEMetropolitan Area Ethernet
MAEMetropolitan Access Exchange
MAEMacintosh Application Environment
MAEMilitary Advanced Education (magazine; Armed Forces Communications & Electronics Association)
MAEMercado Atacadista de Energia
MAEMetropolitan Area Exchange
MAEMember of the Academia Europaea
MAEMilitary and Aerospace Electronics (conference)
MAEMajor Account Executive (Sprint)
MAEMacintosh Application Environment (Apple)
MAEMedium Altitude Endurance
MAEMichigan Avenue Elementary School (Florida)
MAEMustang Advanced Engineering (Twinsburg, OH)
MAEMesures AgroEnvironnementales
MAEMaarten Altena Ensemble (Dutch musical group; est. 1980)
MAEMutuelle des Affaires Etrangères (French: Mutual of Foreign Affairs; est. 1944)
MAEMaterial Adverse Event
MAEMaster of Arts in Economics (degree)
MAEMember of the Academy of Experts (for expert witnesses in the UK)
MAEMulti-Sensory Aesthetic Experience
MAEMississippi Association of Educators
MAEMaster of Applied Epidemiology
MAEMuseum of Anthropology and Ethnography (St Petersburg, Russia)
MAEMagneto-Active Elastomer
MAEMáster en Administración de Empresas
MAEMechanical/Auxiliary Equipment
MAEMazda Automoviles Espana (Spanish car company)
MAEMetropolitan Access Exchange (Worldcom)
MAEMoves All Extremities
MAEMinistry of Agriculture and Environment (various locations)
MAEMinistry of Atomic Energy
MAEMitsubishi Automotive Engineering Co., Ltd.
MAEMercado Abierto Electrónico SA (Argentina)
MAEMaximum Allowable Emissions
MAEMean Area of Effectiveness
MAEMajor Accident Event (Occupational Health and Safety)
MAEMission Accomplishment Estimate
MAEMassachusetts Association of Electrologists, Inc.
MAEMaximum Allowable Exposure
MAEMetro Area Ethernet
MAEMissile Accident Emergency
MAEMitral Annular Excursion
MAEMutual Assistance, Executive (Map Appropriation)
MAEMobius Account Executive
MAEMonitoreo de Asistencia Escolar (Spanish: Attendance Monitoring; Guatemala)