Acronym | Definition |
MAF | Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (New Zealand) |
MAF | Mass Air Flow |
MAF | Move America Forward (Sacramento, CA) |
MAF | Mission Aviation Fellowship (Nampa, ID) |
MAF | Morris Animal Foundation (Denver, CO) |
MAF | Million Acre-Feet |
MAF | Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (New Zealand) |
MAF | Minor Allele Frequency |
MAF | Majid Al Futtaim (large group of UAE based companies) |
MAF | Mobile Application Framework |
MAF | Multiple Authentication Framework |
MAF | Multimedia Application Format |
MAF | Management Application Function |
MAF | Microsoft Access Form |
MAF | Mobile Additional Function |
MAF | Mobile Agent Framework |
MAF | Mobile Agent Facility |
MAF | Miss Address File |
MAF | Multiple Access Facility |
MAF | Multicast Address Filter |
MAF | Master Apical File (endodontics) |
MAF | Marc-Andre Fleury (hockey player) |
MAF | Management Accountability Framework (Canada) |
MAF | Michoud Assembly Facility (NASA) |
MAF | Maximum à Facturer (French: Maximum Billing) |
MAF | Mutation Annotation Format |
MAF | Master Address File |
MAF | Marine Amphibious Force |
MAF | Mongolian Armed Forces |
MAF | Mexican Air Force (Mexico) |
MAF | Manufacturer's Authorization Form (various companies) |
MAF | Ministry of Agriculture and Food |
MAF | Ministry to the Armed Forces (chaplaincy) |
MAF | Mobility Air Forces |
MAF | Macrophage Activating Factor |
MAF | Memory Allocation Failure |
MAF | Mobile Agent Framework (computing) |
MAF | Museum of Army Flying (UK) |
MAF | Maximum Allowable Fee (medical benefits) |
MAF | Missile Alert Facility |
MAF | Maintenance Action Form |
MAF | Medical Assessment Form (various organizations) |
MAF | Maui AIDS Foundation (Wailuku, HI) |
MAF | Mobile Agent Facility (now called Mobile Agent System Interoperability Facilities) |
MAF | Mutual Aid Fund (various locations) |
MAF | Minimum Audible Field |
MAF | Masonic Angel Fund (est. 1998) |
MAF | Master Appropriation File |
MAF | Mina Al Fahal (Oman port) |
MAF | Mutuelle des Architectes Français Assurances (French: French Architects Mutual Insurance) |
MAF | Mazda Automobiles France |
MAF | Managed Add-in Framework |
MAF | Moisture and Ash Free (coal) |
MAF | Multiple-Access Forward |
MAF | Marine Air Facility (US Navy) |
MAF | Manpower Authorization File |
MAF | Message Acquisition and Formatting |
MAF | Mechanically Attached Fitting |
MAF | Manhour Availability Factor |
MAF | Mixed Amine Fuels |
MAF | Middle Age Friends |
MAF | Mac Addict Forum |
MAF | Maintenance & Administrative Facility |
MAF | Mosul Airfield (Iraq) |
MAF | Midland Air Field (former USAF base in Texas) |
MAF | Media Authorization Form |
MAF | Monthly Access Fee |
MAF | Master Ammunition File |
MAF | Modified Academy of Fencing (New Jersey) |
MAF | Medical Assisted Facility |
MAF | Mineral-Ash Free |
MAF | Monkeys Are Fun |
MAF | Microwave Active Filters |
MAF | Midland/Odessa, TX, USA - Midland International Airport (Airport Code) |
MAF | Major Academic Field |
MAF | Military Airlift Forces |
MAF | Mitigated Accident Frequency |
MAF | Minuteman Alert Facility |
MAF | Major Accounts Facility |
MAF | Midwest Ag Finance, Inc. (insurance; Indiana) |
MAF | Managing the Audit Function |
MAF | Municipal Action Foundation (Ghana) |
MAF | Master Applied Finance (degree) |