MLGMajor League Gaming (e-sports organization)
MLGMarine Logistics Group (US Marine Corps)
MLGMicrosoft Learning Gateway
MLGMain Landing Gear
MLGMaple Leaf Gardens (Toronto)
MLGMinistry of Local Government (Philippines)
MLGMulti-Level Governance
MLGMiddle Low German
MLGMachine Learning Group (various locations)
MLGMarxist Literary Group
MLGMachines of Loving Grace (band)
MLGMajor League Geek
MLGModernising Local Government (various organizations)
MLGMagic Lantern Group (Canada)
MLGMartin Lee Gore (musician; Depeche Mode member)
MLGMean Low Gulf
MLGMy Life's Great
MLGMajor League Garbage (gaming)
MLGMost Legit Gamer
MLGMen Lacking Girlfriends
MLGMarine Liaison Group
MLGMulti-Level Guard
MLGMultimedia Learning Group (Canada)