Acronym | Definition |
NASC | Novell Authorized Service Center |
NASC | National Assembly Standing Committee (various locations) |
NASC | Norwich Area Schools Consortium (UK) |
NASC | National Animal Supplement Council |
NASC | Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre |
NASC | North American Solar Challenge |
NASC | National Association Of Sports Commissions |
NASC | National Access and Scaffolding Confederation (London, UK) |
NASC | Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges |
NASC | National Access & Scaffolding Confederation (UK) |
NASC | Naval Air Systems Command |
NASC | Naval Aviation Schools Command |
NASC | Native American Sports Council |
NASC | North American Shale Composite |
NASC | National Association of State Comptrollers |
NASC | Nepal Administrative Staff College |
NASC | North American Spondylitis Consortium |
NASC | National Association of Street Clubs (UK) |
NASC | Naval Science (course) |
NASC | Number Administration Service Center (800/888/877 database) |
NASC | National Aeronautics and Space Council (now National Aeronautics and Space Administration) |
NASC | National Alpine Ski Camp |
NASC | North American Salt Company |
NASC | National Association of Scaffolding Contractors (United Kingdom) |
NASC | Numismatic Association of Southern California |
NASC | Native American Student Center |
NASC | Network Access Solutions Corp. |
NASC | Nevada Association of Student Councils |
NASC | National Archaeology Students' Conference |
NASC | National Anti-Stigma Campaign |
NASC | North American Students of Cooperation (Chicago, IL) |
NASC | North Alabama Shell Club |
NASC | National Aerospace Standards Committee |
NASC | North American Sarracenia Conservancy |
NASC | New Anglo-Saxon Chronicle |
NASC | Norton Amateur Soccer Club (Norton, Ohio) |
NASC | Necessary and Sufficient Condition |
NASC | North American Shuffleboard Championships (The Shuffleboard Federation, Inc.) |
NASC | Network of Aeronautic and Space Centres |
NASC | North American Syntax Conference (Concordia University) |
NASC | National Alumni Schools Committee |
NASC | Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing |
NASC | National All Service Convention |
NASC | National Association of Schools and Colleges |
NASC | National Association of Senior Citizens |
NASC | Non-Aligned Sequence Comparison |
NASC | Nonprofit Accounting Service Center |
NASC | North Alabama Sports Center |
NASC | National Association of Student Councils, Inc. |
NASC | Navmar Applied Sciences Corporation |
NASC | National Account Service Center |