Acronym | Definition |
LAM | Laminate |
LAM | London After Midnight (band) |
LAM | Lamentations |
LAM | Look at Me |
LAM | Leave A Message |
LAM | Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille (French: Astrophysics Laboratory of Marseille) |
LAM | Landscape Architecture Magazine (American Society of Landscape Architects) |
LAM | Letters in Applied Microbiology (publication; Society for Applied Microbiology) |
LAM | Lymphangioleiomyomatosis |
LAM | Land Administration and Management |
LAM | Laguna Art Museum (Laguna Beach, CA) |
LAM | Lactational Amenorrhea Method |
LAM | Local Area Multicomputer |
LAM | Liquid Apogee Motor (spacecrafts) |
LAM | Libraries, Archives and Museums |
LAM | Lege Artis Medicinae (Hungarian medical journal) |
LAM | Limited Area Model |
LAM | Licensed Application Module |
LAM | Lobe Access Module |
LAM | Lord Almighty |
LAM | Los Alamos Airport |
LAM | Limited Area Model (meteorology) |
LAM | Location-Allocation Model (statistics) |
LAM | Large Amplitude Motion (chemical physics) |
LAM | Laboratoire d'Analyses Médicales (French: Medical Analysis Laboratory) |
LAM | Laser Aiming Module |
LAM | Left-Arm Medium (cricket; also seen as LM) |
LAM | Land Attack Missile |
LAM | Life Action Ministries (Buchanan, MI) |
LAM | Lampre - Daikin (Tour de France cycling sponsor) |
LAM | Laughing At Myself |
LAM | Long Ass Meeting |
LAM | Louisiana Maneuvers |
LAM | Local Area Mobility |
LAM | Latin America Monitor (various locations) |
LAM | Local Area Model |
LAM | Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater (Vilnius, Lithuania) |
LAM | Lagardere Active Media (France) |
LAM | Linhas Aéreas de Moçambique, Mozambique (ICAO code) |
LAM | Look Ahead Meeting |
LAM | Linea Ad Alta Mobilità (Italian) |
LAM | Longitudinal Acoustic Mode |
LAM | Launch Abort Motors (US NASA Orion spacecraft) |
LAM | Learner Approved Motorcycle |
LAM | Center for Lasers and Plasmas for Advanced Manufacturing (Old Dominion University) |
LAM | Loiter/Attack Missile |
LAM | Lobe Attachment Modules |
LAM | Large Array Memory |
LAM | Large Aperture Module (laser) |
LAM | Liberalium Artium Magister (Latin: Master of Liberal Arts) |
LAM | Light Attack Munitions (gaming) |
LAM | Launch Alert Message |
LAM | Locale Apparato Motore (Italian: Engine's Room) |
LAM | Local Acceptance Mask (computer networking) |
LAM | Local Asset Manager |
LAM | Local Analog Memory |
LAM | Launcher Action Message |
LAM | Local Authority Mortgage |