LAMLondon After Midnight (band)
LAMLook at Me
LAMLeave A Message
LAMLaboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille (French: Astrophysics Laboratory of Marseille)
LAMLandscape Architecture Magazine (American Society of Landscape Architects)
LAMLetters in Applied Microbiology (publication; Society for Applied Microbiology)
LAMLand Administration and Management
LAMLaguna Art Museum (Laguna Beach, CA)
LAMLactational Amenorrhea Method
LAMLocal Area Multicomputer
LAMLiquid Apogee Motor (spacecrafts)
LAMLibraries, Archives and Museums
LAMLege Artis Medicinae (Hungarian medical journal)
LAMLimited Area Model
LAMLicensed Application Module
LAMLobe Access Module
LAMLord Almighty
LAMLos Alamos Airport
LAMLimited Area Model (meteorology)
LAMLocation-Allocation Model (statistics)
LAMLarge Amplitude Motion (chemical physics)
LAMLaboratoire d'Analyses Médicales (French: Medical Analysis Laboratory)
LAMLaser Aiming Module
LAMLeft-Arm Medium (cricket; also seen as LM)
LAMLand Attack Missile
LAMLife Action Ministries (Buchanan, MI)
LAMLampre - Daikin (Tour de France cycling sponsor)
LAMLaughing At Myself
LAMLong Ass Meeting
LAMLouisiana Maneuvers
LAMLocal Area Mobility
LAMLatin America Monitor (various locations)
LAMLocal Area Model
LAMLithuanian Academy of Music and Theater (Vilnius, Lithuania)
LAMLagardere Active Media (France)
LAMLinhas Aéreas de Moçambique, Mozambique (ICAO code)
LAMLook Ahead Meeting
LAMLinea Ad Alta Mobilità (Italian)
LAMLongitudinal Acoustic Mode
LAMLaunch Abort Motors (US NASA Orion spacecraft)
LAMLearner Approved Motorcycle
LAMCenter for Lasers and Plasmas for Advanced Manufacturing (Old Dominion University)
LAMLoiter/Attack Missile
LAMLobe Attachment Modules
LAMLarge Array Memory
LAMLarge Aperture Module (laser)
LAMLiberalium Artium Magister (Latin: Master of Liberal Arts)
LAMLight Attack Munitions (gaming)
LAMLaunch Alert Message
LAMLocale Apparato Motore (Italian: Engine's Room)
LAMLocal Acceptance Mask (computer networking)
LAMLocal Asset Manager
LAMLocal Analog Memory
LAMLauncher Action Message
LAMLocal Authority Mortgage