MIDASMultiple Interface for Development of Applications System
MIDASMotif Interactive Data Analysis System
MIDASMulti-Tier Distributed Application Services Suite
MIDASMultifunction Infrared Distributed Aperture System
MIDASModels of Infectious Disease Agent Study
MIDASMissile Defense Alarm System
MIDASMotorway Incident Detection and Automatic Signalling (UK Highways Agency motorway system)
MIDASMigraine Disability Assessment Questionnaire
MIDASMultifunction in Dorm Automation System
MIDASMetal Ion-Dependent Adhesion Site
MIDASMan-machine Integration Design and Analysis System
MIDASMulti-Tier Distributed Application Services Suite (Borland)
MIDASMunitions Items Disposition Action System (demilitarization)
MIDASMoving Image Database for Access and Re-Use of European Film Collections
MIDASMultiplexer Integration and DCSS (Digitial Communications Satellite Subsystem) Automation System
MIDASMaterials In Devices As Superconductors
MIDASMarin Information and Data Access System
MIDASMulti-Discipline Data Analysis System
MIDASMultiallelic Interallelic Disequilibrium Analysis Software (genetic linkage disequilibrium analysis)
MIDASMultifunction Infrared Distributed Aperture System (infrared search and track system)
MIDASMaintenance Information Data Automation System
MIDASMarket Information Data Access System
MIDASManagement in A Distributed Application and Service Environment
MIDASMobile Instrumentation Data Acquisition System (US DOE)
MIDASModel of Ion Dynamics and Acidification of Soil
MIDASMachine Information Display and Automation System
MIDASMiscible Interface Dynamics and Simulation (experiment)
MIDASManagement Information Data Access System
MIDASMulti-Link Interoperability Data Analysis System
MIDASMicrosoft Image Deployment Accelerator Solution
MIDASMultilayer Integrated Devices in Advanced Silicon
MIDASModel for Inter-theater Deployment by Air and Sea
MIDASManagement Information & Data Accounting System
MIDASMine Detection & Avoidance System/Sonar
MIDASManagement Information Distribution Access System (DRMS)
MIDASModular Interactive Data Acquisition System
MIDASMultisensor Imagery Data Analysis System
MIDASMissile Defense Assessment Toolbox Stimulator
MIDASMultiuser Intelligence Data Acquisition System
MIDASMatter Irradiating Dissociative Acceleration System
MIDASMedical Information Data Analysis System
MIDASMaintenance Integrated Data Access System
MIDASMarine Intrusion Detection and Support (Marine Corps)
MIDASMicrofilm Digitization Access System (US Department of Homeland Security)