Acronym | Definition |
MIF | Multilateral Investment Fund |
MIF | Manchester International Festival (UK) |
MIF | Management Information Format |
MIF | Matsumae International Foundation (Japan) |
MIF | Melanoma International Foundation (est. 2003) |
MIF | Multiplayer Interactive Fiction |
MIF | Metafile Interchange Format |
MIF | Mapinfo Import File |
MIF | Maintenance Interface |
MIF | Mac Independent Function |
MIF | Multiple Image Facility |
MIF | Maker Interchange Format |
MIF | Middle Infielder (baseball) |
MIF | Micro-Immunofluorescence (chlamydia) |
MIF | Milk Industry Foundation (International Dairy Foods Association) |
MIF | Mortgage Insurance Fund (various locations) |
MIF | Migration Inhibition Factor |
MIF | Method Inheritance Factor (software) |
MIF | Multinational Interim Force |
MIF | Milk in First (British) |
MIF | Management Information File |
MIF | Multinational Interception Force |
MIF | Maritime Interception Force |
MIF | Maritime Interdiction Force |
MIF | Müllerian inhibiting factor |
MIF | Migration Impacts Forum (UK) |
MIF | Machines in Field (copier industry) |
MIF | Memory Initialization File |
MIF | Module Interconnection Facility |
MIF | Minority Issues Forum (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences) |
MIF | Malaysian Islamic Finance |
MIF | Master Index File |
MIF | Mathematical Inventions Firm (India) |
MIF | Mission Index Flying (US Air Force) |
MIF | Master Item File |
MIF | Mathematics in Finance (international conference) |
MIF | Madison Investment Fund |
MIF | Miners' International Federation (Belgium) |
MIF | Make It Fit |
MIF | Mostarski Interkulturalni Festival (Croatian: Mostar Intercultural Festival; Mostar, Bosnia Herzegovina) |
MIF | Medical Imaging Forum (Japan) |
MIF | Membership Information Form |
MIF | Multi-Lateral Interchange Fee |
MIF | Maneuver Item File |
MIF | Mackinac Island Fudge (Saginaw, MI) |
MIF | Master Inventory File |
MIF | Multicultural Initiatives Fund (Canada) |
MIF | Men in Field |
MIF | MSX Interchange Format (graphical file format) |
MIF | Misreported Information Factor (insurance) |
MIF | Missile In Flight |
MIF | Module Integration Facility |
MIF | Management Integration Framework |
MIF | MANPER Interface File |
MIF | Micrometeoroid Induced Failure (US NASA) |
MIF | Mobile Instrumentation Facility |
MIF | Malfunction Investigation File |
MIF | Marginal Importance Factor |