Acronym | Definition |
MIFT | Manchester International Freight Terminal (UK) |
MIFT | Malaysian Institute of Food Technology |
MIFT | Medical Institute for Tamils (Ontario, Canada) |
MIFT | Mangalore Institute of Fashion Technology |
MIFT | Manually Initiated Funds Transfer |
MIFT | Mediation to Implement Feedback in Training |
MIFT | Malta Industrial Fábrica de Tintas (Portugese) |
MIFT | Multiple Independent Fluorescence Techniques |
MIFT | Microimmunofluorescence Test |
MIFT | Macomb Intermediate Federation of Teachers (Mt. Clemens, MI) |
MIFT | Monsters, Inc. Factory Tour |
MIFT | Massachusetts Instream Flow Task Force |
MIFT | Meat Industry Focus Team (University of Missouri) |
MIFT | Mean Interval Free Time |
MIFT | Mercantile International Finance and Trade |
MIFT | Mirror Image Fixation Target |
MIFT | Madras Institute of Fashion Technology (India) |
MIFT | Mothers in Fellowship Together |
MIFT | Maryland Information Fluency Team (University of Maryland) |
MIFT | Militant Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorist |
MIFT | Mission Italo-Française de Tamna (French) |
MIFT | Men in for Trouble (Santa Clarita, CA website) |
MIFT | Machine Independent File Format |
MIFT | Manipal Institute of Fashion Technology (India) |