Acronym | Definition |
MIB | Management Information Base |
MIB | Men In Black (movie) |
MIB | Mint In Box |
MIB | Master of International Business |
MIB | Medical Information Bureau |
MIB | Molecular Imaging and Biology (journal; World Molecular Imaging Society and European Society for Molecular Imaging) |
MIB | Medienvertrieb in Buchholz (German publisher) |
MIB | Making It Big (clothing company; Cotati, CA) |
MIB | Mebibyte (2^20 bytes) |
MIB | Multimedia Integration Box |
MIB | Mouse in a Box |
MIB | Mega Binary Byte |
MIB | Mebibyte |
MIB | Memory Intelligent Booster |
MIB | Master Information Block |
MIB | Metals in Biology (conference) |
MIB | My Internet Business |
MIB | Mosque of Islamic Brotherhood |
MIB | Mishap Investigation Board |
MIB | Musqueam Indian Band (Canada) |
MIB | Mississippi Industries for the Blind (est. 1942) |
MIB | Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei |
MIB | Monthly Income Benefit (various organizations) |
MIB | Mint In Bag |
MIB | Mebibit (2^20 Bits) |
MIB | Management Interface Base |
MIB | Medical Insurance Bureau |
MIB | Minimum Impulse Bit (torque) |
MIB | Motor Insurer's Bureau |
MIB | Misr International Bank (Egypt) |
MIB | Military Intelligence Board |
MIB | Methyl Isoborneol |
MIB | Mexican Investment Board |
MIB | Milano Indice Borsa (Milan, Italian Stock Exchange) |
MIB | Motor Inbound (oil and gas industry) |
MIB | Mechanized Infantry Battalion |
MIB | Moscow Industrial Bank |
MIB | Molecular Imaging Branch |
MIB | Mark Ivan Band |
MIB | Monitor Integrated Box (computer) |
MIB | Management Incentive Bonus |
MIB | Mechanized Infantry Brigade |
MIB | More Important Bits (communications channel) |
MIB | Management Information Byte |
MIB | Microbiologie Industrielle et Biotechnologies (French: Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology) |
MIB | Motorized Infantry Brigade |
MIB | Many International Businesses |
MIB | Multi-Layer Interconnection Board |
MIB | Main Interconnect Board |
MIB | Military Integration Bench (aerospace) |
MIB | Multi-Layer Insulation Blankets (protection against excessive heat) |
MIB | Maintenance Manual Intermediate With IPB (TMINS) |
MIB | Manufacture Information Block (computing) |
MIB | Missing in Bed |