Acronym | Definition |
MIC | Microphone |
MIC | Microwave (oven) |
MIC | Message Integrity Check |
MIC | Music Information Centre (Norway) |
MIC | Made in China |
MIC | Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (medical) |
MIC | Micah |
MIC | Malaysian Indian Congress |
MIC | Medical Image Computing |
MIC | Motorcycle Industry Council |
MIC | Military Industrial Complex |
MIC | Message Integrity Code (cryptography) |
MIC | Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (lowest concentration of drug that inhibits more than 99% of the bacterial population) |
MIC | micrometer |
MIC | Manufacturing Industrial Council (Seattle, WA) |
MIC | Methyl Isocyanate |
MIC | Making It Count (various organizations) |
MIC | Modular Interface Card (various companies) |
MIC | Medical Informatics Congress |
MIC | Minimal-Invasive Chirurgie (German: Minimally Invasive Surgery) |
MIC | Ministry of Information and Communication (South Korea) |
MIC | Mortgage Insurance Company (various locations) |
MIC | Music Institute of Chicago (Chicago, IL) |
MIC | Military Intelligence Corps (various locations) |
MIC | Mates in Construction (Australia) |
MIC | Mortgage Investors Corporation (various locations) |
MIC | Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion |
MIC | Mineral Insulated Cable |
MIC | Marketing Information Center (various organizations) |
MIC | Mechanical Interface Card |
MIC | Microsoft Image Composer |
MIC | Market Intelligence Center |
MIC | Multimedia Innovation Centre |
MIC | Microcode Instruction Sequenzer |
MIC | Mandatory Integrity Control |
MIC | Motion Intraframe Codec |
MIC | Memory in Cassette |
MIC | Message Integrity Code |
MIC | Management Instrumentation Commandline |
MIC | Modem Interface Card |
MIC | Mobile Interface Card |
MIC | Mode Indicate Common |
MIC | Machine Identification Code |
MIC | Monsta Island Czars (hip hop) |
MIC | Mandatory Integrity Control (Microsoft Windows security feature) |
MIC | Memory in Cassette (Sony) |
MIC | Media and Information Commission (Zimbabwe) |
MIC | Meteorologist-In-Charge |
MIC | Miami Intermodal Center (ground transportation hub; Miami, FL) |
MIC | Motors Insurance Corporation |
MIC | Media Information Center |
MIC | Model-Integrated Computing |
MIC | Microwave Integrated Circuit |
MIC | Monitoring and Information Centre |
MIC | Management Information Center |
MIC | Ministère de l'Industrie et du Commerce (Québec, Canada) |
MIC | Macrophage Inflammatory Protein |
MIC | Media Interface Connector |
MIC | Mathematics in Context |
MIC | Made In Chicago (musician) |
MIC | Memory Interface Controller |
MIC | Monolithic Integrated Circuit |
MIC | Move in Condition (real estate) |
MIC | Management Information Consulting (Virginia) |
MIC | Maritime Industry Council (Hong Kong) |
MIC | Multiple Interface Connection |
MIC | Mountain Instructor Certificate (UK) |
MIC | Manufacturers Investment Credit (California) |
MIC | Modular Industrial Controller (computer hardware) |
MIC | Medium Interface Connector |
MIC | Minor in Consumption (alcohol) |
MIC | Methodist International Centre (London, England) |
MIC | Minnesota Inventors Congress |
MIC | Minaean International Corp. (Canada) |
MIC | Multinational Interoperability Council |
MIC | Masonic Information Center |
MIC | Music Industry Commission (various locations) |
MIC | Marine Inspector and Cleaner (vacuum cleaning system) |
MIC | Market Identification Code (ISO) |
MIC | Microbiological Induced Corrosion |
MIC | Mobile Internet Capital, Inc. (Japan) |
MIC | Minimum Ignition Current |
MIC | Maximum Import Capacity (electric power) |
MIC | Maritime Intelligence Center |
MIC | Microsoft Internet Chat |
MIC | Manager's Internal Control (US DoD) |
MIC | Multilingual Intake Center (Jersey City Public Schools) |
MIC | Michigan International Camporee (international scout camp) |
MIC | Midfield Institute of Cosmetology (Bimingham, AL) |
MIC | Mining Impact Coalition |
MIC | Maximum Inscribed Circle |
MIC | Magistrates in the Community (UK) |
MIC | Maximum Inhibitory Concentration |
MIC | Minuteman Implant Club, Inc. |
MIC | Midget Community (gaming clan) |
MIC | Millimolar Concentration (microbiology) |
MIC | Movimiento Indigena Colombiano (Spanish: Colombian Indigenous Movement) |
MIC | Moron in Charge |
MIC | Molecular Imaging Corp |
MIC | Management Information Corporation |
MIC | Magnetic Ink Characters |
MIC | Material Identification Code |
MIC | Metal Industries Company, Ltd |
MIC | Material Identification and Control |
MIC | Machinery Insurance Cooperative |
MIC | Management Interface Controller |
MIC | Meeting in Conference |
MIC | Multistage Interference Canceller |
MIC | McAfee India Center (Bangalore, India) |
MIC | Memory Interface Component |
MIC | Marble Institute of Colorado |
MIC | Message Investigation Center |
MIC | Multifiber Indoor Cable |
MIC | Machine Interface Code |
MIC | Memory Interface Card |
MIC | Master Item Code |
MIC | Mutual Interference Chart |
MIC | Mode Indicator Common |
MIC | Mission Intelligence Coordinator (US Air Force) |
MIC | Militant Insurance Clerks |
MIC | Middle Icelandic (linguistics) |
MIC | Missile Interface Console |
MIC | MFV International Corporation (various locations) |
MIC | Maritime Interception Commander |
MIC | Maintenance Interconnecting Cabinet |
MIC | Major Information Center |
MIC | Management Indicator Code |
MIC | Major Item Center |
MIC | Congregation of Marians Immaculate Conception (religious order) |
MIC | Match Indicator Code |
MIC | Marketing Initiated Change |
MIC | Modificador Indirecto O Complementario (Spanish grammar) |
MIC | Missile Interconnecting Cabinet |
MIC | Missile Interface Controller |
MIC | Marked Idle Channel |
MIC | Medicine Information Center |
MIC | Mamey Investment Corporation (California) |