Acronym | Definition |
MICA | Maryland Institute, College of Art |
MICA | Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts (Singapore) |
MICA | Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I-Related Chain A |
MICA | Multiservice Ios Channel Aggregation |
MICA | Mortgage Insurance Companies of America |
MICA | Music Information Center Austria |
MICA | Mobile Intensive Care Ambulance |
MICA | Multiyear Interactive Computer Almanac (USNO) |
MICA | Mudra Institute of Communications Ahmedabad |
MICA | Midwest Insulation Contractors Association |
MICA | Military Intelligence Corps Association |
MICA | Mid-Iowa Community Action, Inc (Marshalltown, IA) |
MICA | Modem ISDN Channel Aggregation |
MICA | Medical Information Center Aichi (Japan) |
MICA | Milestones in Computer Algebra (conference) |
MICA | Matchbox International Collectors Association |
MICA | Missile d'Interception, de Combat et d'Autodéfense (French: Dogfight/Self-Defence/Interception Missile) |
MICA | Michigan Internet Cooperative Association |
MICA | Multiservice IOS Channel Aggregation (Cisco) |
MICA | Mentally Impaired Chemically Addicted |
MICA | Meat Importers Council of America, Inc. |
MICA | Macroinstruction Compiler |
MICA | Medical Information Communications Application |
MICA | Marine Corps Intelligence Activity |
MICA | Member of the International Compliance Association |
MICA | Management Information for Configuration and Allowance |
MICA | Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Craft |
MICA | Mobile Industrial Caterers Association (Madison Heights, MI) |
MICA | Mécanisme d'Incitation à la Cessation d'Activité des Médecins Libéraux (French: Incentive Mechanism for the Cessation of Private Physicians) |