MICAMaryland Institute, College of Art
MICAMinistry of Information, Communications and the Arts (Singapore)
MICAMajor Histocompatibility Complex Class I-Related Chain A
MICAMultiservice Ios Channel Aggregation
MICAMortgage Insurance Companies of America
MICAMusic Information Center Austria
MICAMobile Intensive Care Ambulance
MICAMultiyear Interactive Computer Almanac (USNO)
MICAMudra Institute of Communications Ahmedabad
MICAMidwest Insulation Contractors Association
MICAMilitary Intelligence Corps Association
MICAMid-Iowa Community Action, Inc (Marshalltown, IA)
MICAModem ISDN Channel Aggregation
MICAMedical Information Center Aichi (Japan)
MICAMilestones in Computer Algebra (conference)
MICAMatchbox International Collectors Association
MICAMissile d'Interception, de Combat et d'Autodéfense (French: Dogfight/Self-Defence/Interception Missile)
MICAMichigan Internet Cooperative Association
MICAMultiservice IOS Channel Aggregation (Cisco)
MICAMentally Impaired Chemically Addicted
MICAMeat Importers Council of America, Inc.
MICAMacroinstruction Compiler
MICAMedical Information Communications Application
MICAMarine Corps Intelligence Activity
MICAMember of the International Compliance Association
MICAManagement Information for Configuration and Allowance
MICAMinistry of Industry, Commerce and Craft
MICAMobile Industrial Caterers Association (Madison Heights, MI)
MICAMécanisme d'Incitation à la Cessation d'Activité des Médecins Libéraux (French: Incentive Mechanism for the Cessation of Private Physicians)