Acronym | Definition |
MHC | Mount Holyoke College (South Hadley, MA) |
MHC | Major Histocompatibility Complex |
MHC | Mars Hill College |
MHC | Myosin Heavy Chain |
MHC | McLaren Health Care (Michigan) |
MHC | Mental Health Counselor (various organizations) |
MHC | Macaulay Honors College (New York) |
MHC | Mutual Holding Company |
MHC | Metropolitan Housing Coalition (Louisville, KY) |
MHC | Mobile Home Community (various locations) |
MHC | Mental Health Clinic (various organizations) |
MHC | Mini HiFi Component |
MHC | Mental Health Center |
MHC | Medicine Hat College (Alberta, Canada) |
MHC | Midwest Haunters Convention (trade show) |
MHC | Mars Hill Church (Seattle, WA) |
MHC | McGraw-Hill Companies (publishing) |
MHC | Manufactured Home Communities |
MHC | Manipulator Hand Controller |
MHC | Mental Health Counseling |
MHC | Mental Health Commission |
MHC | Matthew Henry's Commentary (Bible commentary) |
MHC | McGraw-Hill Construction (publishing) |
MHC | Man in the High Castle (Philip K. Dick book) |
MHC | Mental Health Coordinator |
MHC | Metropolitan Hospital Center (New York, NY) |
MHC | Mile High Club |
MHC | Migrant Health Centers (US HRSA) |
MHC | Multibank Holding Company |
MHC | Michigan Humanities Council |
MHC | Mexican Heritage Corporation (San Jose, CA) |
MHC | Mental Health Coalition |
MHC | McKinley Health Center (University of Illinois) |
MHC | Math Help Center (various schools) |
MHC | Most Hated Crew |
MHC | Manchester Handball Club (UK) |
MHC | Management Headquarters Ceiling (US DoD) |
MHC | Mobile Health Clinics |
MHC | Minehunter, Coastal |
MHC | Missouri Humanities Council |
MHC | Manitoba Horse Council (Winnipeg, MB, Canada) |
MHC | Mount Hope Church (Grand Blanc, MI) |
MHC | Material-Handling Car |
MHC | Maryland Horse Council |
MHC | Millenial Housing Commission |
MHC | Minor Histocompatibility Complex (immunology) |
MHC | Mechanical Hydraulic Control |
MHC | Methodist Health Care |
MHC | Manufactured Housing Consultant (Canadian Manufactured Housing Institute) |
MHC | Modern Housing Complex (India) |
MHC | Mary Holmes College (West Point, Mississippi) |
MHC | Manufactured Housing Commission |
MHC | Mild Hydrocracking Unit |
MHC | Masonic Healthcare Center (Wallingford, CT) |
MHC | Material Handling Cost (cellular manufacturing systems) |
MHC | Michigan Historical Commission |
MHC | Military High Command |
MHC | Materiel Handling Crane |
MHC | Munshi Head Constable (India) |
MHC | Moto-Club des Hauts Cantons (French: Senior Townships Motorcycle Club) |
MHC | Multi Hypothesis Correlation |
MHC | Maritime Historical Conference |
MHC | Mixed Hepatocellular Carcinoma |