LIFTLocal Improvement Finance Trust (UK)
LIFTLondon International Festival of Theatre
LIFTLaser Induced Forward Transfer (optoelectronics)
LIFTLinking the Interests of Families and Teachers (education)
LIFTLinear Filtering Technology
LIFTLeadership in Faculty Teaching
LIFTLocal Infrastructure Financing Tool (Washington)
LIFTLinking Innovation Finance and Technology (CORDIS, Europe)
LIFTLidars in Flat Terrain (experiment)
LIFTLead-In Fighter Training
LIFTLiving in Faith Together
LIFTLower Interest for Timeliness (finance)
LIFTLiving Information for Today
LIFTLift Rural Development Welfare Society (est. 2003; India)
LIFTLiterature Is for Thinking
LIFTLiberalis Fiatalok Tarsasaga (Hungarian: Liberal Youth Society)
LIFTLola Isroff Fund for Teens
LIFTLine Interactive Ferro Topology (CATV)
LIFTLeadership in Fitness Training
LIFTLymphocyte Immunofluorescence Test
LIFTLearning Is Fun Time (Woodgrove Primary School Singapore)
LIFTLive Inspired for Today (t-shirt brand)
LIFTLateral Ignition and Flamespread Test
LIFTLearn It For the Future
LIFTLinking Individuals and Families in Transition