LFFLincoln Financial Field (Philadelphia, PA)
LFFLibraries for the Future
LFFLondon Film Festival
LFFLucania Film Festival (Italy)
LFFLarge Format File
LFFLucasfilm Format
LFFLinux Firefox
LFFLawyers for Forests (Australia)
LFFLarge Form Factor
LFFLumpkin Family Foundation (Illinois)
LFFLouisiana Family Forum (Baton Rouge, Louisiana)
LFFLooking for Fellowship (gaming)
LFFLeary Firefighters Foundation
LFFLow Frequency Filter
LFFLondon Fetish Fair (London, UK)
LFFLiving Faith Fellowship
LFFLesser Feasts and Fasts (Episcopal Church)
LFFLatvijas Futbola Federacija (Latvian Football Federation)
LFFLogistics Factors File
LFFLondon Fashion Forum (UK)
LFFLaboratory for Freeform Fabrication (UT Austin)
LFFLibrarians for Fairness (advocate group)
LFFLast Frame First
LFFLead-Free Frangible (Ammunition)
LFFLarge Formation Flyer