Acronym | Definition |
MBF | Must Be Following (social media) |
MBF | Management By Fact |
MBF | Thousand Board Feet |
MBF | My Best Friend |
MBF | Million Board Feet (measurement) |
MBF | Mom's Best Friend (household staffing agency; Austin, TX) |
MBF | My Boyfriend |
MBF | Michael Bernard Fitzgerald (musician) |
MBF | Microsoft Business Framework |
MBF | Mind/Body Fitness |
MBF | Medical Benevolence Foundation (Houston, TX) |
MBF | Man's Best Friend |
MBF | Medical Benefits Fund |
MBF | Mini Blast Furnace |
MBF | Military Banking Facility |
MBF | Must Be Filled (securities trading order) |
MBF | Management by Fear |
MBF | Money, Banking and Finance (various universities) |
MBF | Marine's Best Friend (Doom computer game) |
MBF | More, Better, Faster |
MBF | Metric Board Foot |
MBF | Micro Bright Field Inc. (Williston, VT) |
MBF | Must Be Funny |
MBF | Mission Build Facility |
MBF | Midwest Basketry Focus |
MBF | Male Bovine Feces |
MBF | Master Business Function (J.d. Edwards OneWorld) |
MBF | Malted Barley Flour |
MBF | Married Black Female |
MBF | Medium Bomber Force |
MBF | Macro-Basis Function |
MBF | Matrix Biological Film |
MBF | Michigan Barrier-Free (handiicap accessibility design) |
MBF | Moss Bow Foley (dog show superintendent) |
MBF | Management in Business Finance (academics) |
MBF | Management Behavior Feedback |
MBF | Mercedes Benz de France (French automobile club) |
MBF | Mobile Branch Facilities (command vehicle manufacturer; Sanford, FL) |
MBF | Mad Beat Factory (show) |