Acronym | Definition |
LASS | Language and Social Skills (education; various locations) |
LASS | Leisure Accident Surveillance System |
LASS | Law, Arts and Social Sciences |
LASS | Language Arts & Social Studies |
LASS | Language Acquisition Support System |
LASS | Lightweight Armament Support Structure (US DoD) |
LASS | Local Area Signaling Services |
LASS | Language Acquisition Supporting System |
LASS | Local Authentication Subsystem (Microsoft Windows CE) |
LASS | Launch Area Support Ship |
LASS | Latin American Sleep Society |
LASS | Low Altitude Space Surveillance |
LASS | Lehramtsassessor |
LASS | Laser Aim Scoring System |
LASS | Lidb Access Support System |
LASS | Light Armor Systems and Survivability (US Army) |
LASS | Low Altitude Surveillance Radar |
LASS | Logistics Automated Support System |
LASS | Laboratory for Analysis of Safety Systems |
LASS | Large Area Screening System |
LASS | Large Aperture Superconductor Spectrometer |
LASS | Link Audio Signal Simulator |
LASS | Logistic Support Analysis Application Status System |
LASS | low alloy strength steel |
LASS | Learning Assistance Support System |