Acronym | Definition |
LAMP | Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python/Perl |
LAMP | Leadership and Management Programme (UK) |
LAMP | Loveless Academic Magnet Program (Montgomery, AL) |
LAMP | Lyman-Alpha Mapping Project (US NASA) |
LAMP | Lakewide Management Plan |
LAMP | Large Account Management Process (Miller Heiman Group) |
LAMP | Linux Apache Mysql Php |
LAMP | Lysosome-Associated Membrane Protein |
LAMP | Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification (nucleic acid amplification method) |
LAMP | Local Area Management Plan (various locations) |
LAMP | Lakewide Action and Management Plans (US EPA) |
LAMP | Literacy Assessment and Monitoring Programme (UNESCO) |
LAMP | Latin American Microform Project |
LAMP | Library Access to Music Project (MIT) |
LAMP | Louisiana Alliance for Minority Participation |
LAMP | Learn about Movie Posters (website) |
LAMP | Lighthouse Archaeological Maritime Program (St. Augustine, FL) |
LAMP | Lakeshore Area Multi-Service Project (Canada) |
LAMP | Locally Advanced Multimodality Protocol |
LAMP | Line Activity Monitoring Program (flight data) |
LAMP | Lake Acidification Mitigation Project |
LAMP | Large Advanced Mirror Program |
LAMP | Louisiana Asset Management Pool |
LAMP | Localized Aviation MOS Program (weather bulletin) |
LAMP | Lay Apostolic Ministries with the Poor (New York City Catholic Service Ministry) |
LAMP | Location Aware MAC Protocol |
LAMP | Low-level Airspace Management Plan |
LAMP | Logistics Automation Master Plan |
LAMP | Latin American Maize Evaluation Project |
LAMP | License Application Migration Project (Washington) |
LAMP | Lagrangian Measurement Platform |
LAMP | Look At Me Post |
LAMP | Low Altitude Mapping and Photography |
LAMP | Los Angeles Mentoring Project |
LAMP | Logistics Assessment Methodology Prototype |
LAMP | Linux-Apache-MySQL (Standard Query Language)-Php (software bundle) |
LAMP | Land A Mighty/Meaty Punch |
LAMP | Latin American Missionary Project (UK) |
LAMP | Local Anaesthetic, Manipulation and Plaster |
LAMP | Livelihood and Micro Finance Promotion (Fund) |
LAMP | Legal Age Meeting Points |