Acronym | Definition |
MDM | Madam |
MDM | Master Data Management (SAP software) |
MDM | Medium |
MDM | Mobile Data Management (Systems, Services and Middleware) |
MDM | Masters of Digital Media (degree program) |
MDM | Movimento Democrático de Moçambique (Portuguese: Mozambique Democratic Movement) |
MDM | Mobile Device Management |
MDM | Médecins Du Monde (French) |
MDM | Meta Data Manager |
MDM | International Conference on Mobile Data Management |
MDM | Meter Data Management |
MDM | Medical Decision Making (journal) |
MDM | Machine Debug Manager (Visual BASIC) |
MDM | Mass Democratic Movement (South Africa) |
MDM | Medical Device Manufacturer |
MDM | Master Data Management |
MDM | Mobile Data Management |
MDM | Machine Debug Manager |
MDM | Multiplexer Demultiplexer |
MDM | Media Device Manager |
MDM | Modular Digital Multitrack Recorder |
MDM | Modem |
MDM | Multimedia Data Mining |
MDM | Multidimensional Data Modeling |
MDM | Microfine Droplet Modulation |
MDM | Multiservice Data Manager |
MDM | Medicos del Mundo (Argentina) |
MDM | Monocyte Derived Macrophages |
MDM | Moi Dix Mois (band) |
MDM | Mid-Day Meal (India) |
MDM | Melodic Death Metal (music genre) |
MDM | Modern Digital Militia (band) |
MDM | Multiplexer/Demultiplexer |
MDM | Mix Design Methods (Langhorne, PA) |
MDM | Market Development Manager |
MDM | Modern Drunkard Magazine (est. 1996) |
MDM | Modern Day Marine (Quantico Marine military exhibition) |
MDM | Mechanically Deboned Meat |
MDM | Medical Design & Manufacturing |
MDM | Million Dollar Man (Ted Dibiase) |
MDM | M-Dynamic Mode (BMW) |
MDM | Movement for Department Status Mayotte (Mayotte) |
MDM | Mouse Double Minute |
MDM | Multidisciplinary Meeting (medical records) |
MDM | Modular Digital Multitracks |
MDM | Mailgram (US Navy) |
MDM | Manufacturing Data Management |
MDM | Mal de Meleda |
MDM | Metal-Dielectric-Metal |
MDM | Movement for a Democratic Military (Vietnam era protest organization) |
MDM | Human Monocyte-Derived Macrophage |
MDM | Multiple Distant Microphones |
MDM | Mobile Depot Maintenance |
MDM | Maintenance Duty Manager (various locations) |
MDM | Montessori de Manila (pre-school) |
MDM | Mode Division Multiplexing |
MDM | Multi-Drive Missile (Honor Harrington science fiction novels) |
MDM | Multipurpose Demilitarization Machine |
MDM | Multiattribute Decision-Making |
MDM | Manpower Determination Model |
MDM | Medium-Depth Mine |
MDM | Micro-Doppler Modulation |
MDM | Multiple Differentiated Meter (DiffServ strategy) |
MDM | Modified Diffusion Method |
MDM | Marketing Decision Meeting |
MDM | Model Deployment Module |
MDM | Monitor Drive Module |
MDM | Mobility Diagnostic Module |
MDM | Multi-Static Data Matrix |
MDM | Medicos du Munde (Portugal) |