LCLLess than Container Load
LCLLe Crédit Lyonnais (France)
LCLLateral Collateral Ligament
LCLLight Center Length
LCLLoblaw Companies Limited (food retailer; Canada)
LCLLossless Codec Library
LCLLower Confidence Limit
LCLLower Control Limit
LCLlymphoblastoid cell line
LCLLoeb Classical Library
LCLLifted Condensation Level (meteorology)
LCLLongitudinal Conversion Loss
LCLLibrary Computer Lab (various schools)
LCLLiving the Country Life (magazine)
LCLLife-Cycle Logistics
LCLLateral Canthal Line
LCLLazarus Component Library
LCLLess than Car Load
LCLLink Connect Liquid
LCLLos Cuarenta Ladrones (Spanish: The Forty Thieves; comics)
LCLLorentz Casimir Lyceum (Eindhoven, Netherlands high school)
LCLLunar Cargo Lander
LCLLiberal and Country League (Australia)
LCLLove Comes Later
LCLLow Carbohydrate Lager (beer)
LCLLatching Current Limiter
LCLLan Clan Leipzig (German gaming clan)
LCLLowest Charge Level (medical billing)
LCLLanding Craft Logistic
LCLLeft Collateral Ligament
LCLLinear-Conjugate-Linear (receiver)
LCLLabour Congress of Liberia
LCLLouisville Cardinals for Life
LCLLong Continuous Load (electrical load schedules)
LCLLasting Customer Loyalty
LCLLa Costa Limousine (Carlsbad, CA)
LCLLocal Control Level
LCLLocal Checklist
LCLLow Calorie Lager (beer)
LCLLoose Control Lager (beer)