Acronym | Definition |
LRP | Loan Repayment Program |
LRP | Lipoprotein Receptor-Related Protein |
LRP | Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor-Related Protein |
LRP | Landesbank Rheinland Pfalz (German bank) |
LRP | Linux Router Project |
LRP | Lexmark Return Program (printers) |
LRP | Livestock Risk Protection |
LRP | Lenovo Registered Partner |
LRP | Long Range Proximity |
LRP | Lateral Root Primordium |
LRP | Loyalty Reward Program (various companies) |
LRP | Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy |
LRP | Long-Range Patrol |
LRP | Leucine-responsive Regulatory Protein |
LRP | Low Density Lipoprotein Related Protein |
LRP | Lead Replacement Petrol |
LRP | Land Recycling Program (various locations) |
LRP | Livelihood Restoration Plan (various organizations) |
LRP | Liquid-Ring Pump |
LRP | Live Role Play(ing) |
LRP | Local Resource Person (various organizations) |
LRP | Linear Rod Pump (various companies) |
LRP | Lazy Receiver Processing |
LRP | Long Running Process (computing) |
LRP | Leicestershire Rural Partnership (UK) |
LRP | Lump Rescreening Plant (iron ore Processing) |
LRP | Laboratory Research Products (South Carolina) |
LRP | Lesbian Rights Project (now National Center for Lesbian Rights) |
LRP | Law Review Project (South Africa) |
LRP | Low Rate Production |
LRP | Low Regulatory Priority |
LRP | Lighting Research Program |
LRP | Long-Range Prediction (algorithm) |
LRP | Learning Resource Program |
LRP | Local Research Plan (Canada) |
LRP | Laws, Regulations & Policies (various locations) |
LRP | Logiciel de Rédaction des Procédures (French: Software-Writing Procedures) |
LRP | Long-Rod Penetrator |
LRP | Law Reform Program (various locations) |
LRP | Local Regeneration Partnership (UK) |
LRP | Load and Roll Pallet (loading commercial containers) |
LRP | Lower Riser Package |
LRP | Light-Based Regional Product (economics) |
LRP | Logistics Resupply Point |
LRP | Limited Response Package |
LRP | Label Routing Protocol |
LRP | Laser Range Prediction |
LRP | Long-Range Plan/ning |
LRP | Least Restrictive Placement |
LRP | Least Reliable Position |
LRP | Launch Reference Point |
LRP | Logistics Requirement Plan |
LRP | Less Reactive Phosphate |
LRP | Letter Proposal Retrofit |
LRP | Local Restoral Plan |
LRP | Lending and Realty Professionals |
LRP | Logistical Re-Supply Point |
LRP | Legally Recognized Partner (legal) |