LRPLoan Repayment Program
LRPLipoprotein Receptor-Related Protein
LRPLow Density Lipoprotein Receptor-Related Protein
LRPLandesbank Rheinland Pfalz (German bank)
LRPLinux Router Project
LRPLexmark Return Program (printers)
LRPLivestock Risk Protection
LRPLenovo Registered Partner
LRPLong Range Proximity
LRPLateral Root Primordium
LRPLoyalty Reward Program (various companies)
LRPLaparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy
LRPLong-Range Patrol
LRPLeucine-responsive Regulatory Protein
LRPLow Density Lipoprotein Related Protein
LRPLead Replacement Petrol
LRPLand Recycling Program (various locations)
LRPLivelihood Restoration Plan (various organizations)
LRPLiquid-Ring Pump
LRPLive Role Play(ing)
LRPLocal Resource Person (various organizations)
LRPLinear Rod Pump (various companies)
LRPLazy Receiver Processing
LRPLong Running Process (computing)
LRPLeicestershire Rural Partnership (UK)
LRPLump Rescreening Plant (iron ore Processing)
LRPLaboratory Research Products (South Carolina)
LRPLesbian Rights Project (now National Center for Lesbian Rights)
LRPLaw Review Project (South Africa)
LRPLow Rate Production
LRPLow Regulatory Priority
LRPLighting Research Program
LRPLong-Range Prediction (algorithm)
LRPLearning Resource Program
LRPLocal Research Plan (Canada)
LRPLaws, Regulations & Policies (various locations)
LRPLogiciel de Rédaction des Procédures (French: Software-Writing Procedures)
LRPLong-Rod Penetrator
LRPLaw Reform Program (various locations)
LRPLocal Regeneration Partnership (UK)
LRPLoad and Roll Pallet (loading commercial containers)
LRPLower Riser Package
LRPLight-Based Regional Product (economics)
LRPLogistics Resupply Point
LRPLimited Response Package
LRPLabel Routing Protocol
LRPLaser Range Prediction
LRPLong-Range Plan/ning
LRPLeast Restrictive Placement
LRPLeast Reliable Position
LRPLaunch Reference Point
LRPLogistics Requirement Plan
LRPLess Reactive Phosphate
LRPLetter Proposal Retrofit
LRPLocal Restoral Plan
LRPLending and Realty Professionals
LRPLogistical Re-Supply Point
LRPLegally Recognized Partner (legal)