Acronym | Definition |
LRPA | Long Range Patrol Aircraft |
LRPA | London Regional Psychological Association |
LRPA | Louisiana Recreation and Park Association |
LRPA | Little Rock Port Authority |
LRPA | Lowell Regional Physics Alliance |
LRPA | Louisiana River Pilots Association |
LRPA | Labor Retirement Pension Act |
LRPA | Laboratoire Radar de Prince Albert |
LRPA | Licensed Real Property Appraiser (various locations) |
LRPA | Low Power Radio Association |
LRPA | Law & Resources Planning Associates |
LRPA | Literature Rack Panel Adapter |
LRPA | Landfill Restoration Plan Advisor |
LRPA | Less Rapid Population Aging |
LRPA | Lavochkin Research and Production Association |
LRPA | Labor Relations Practitioners Association |
LRPA | Localized Random-Phase Approximation |
LRPA | Laser Reflection Photoacoustic |
LRPA | Lithic Resource Procurement Area |
LRPA | Lahemaa Rahvuspargi Administratsioon |
LRPA | Long Range Polluting Agent |
LRPA | Laboratório de Robótica e Percepção Ativa |
LRPA | Land Reform Project Administration |
LRPA | Liquid Reinforcing Polymer Alloy |
LRPA | Lower Risk Premium Account |
LRPA | Long Range Planning and Accountability |