OCDObsessive-Compulsive Disorder
OCDOffice of Child Development
OCDOver the Counter Drugs
OCDOsteochondritis Dissecans
OCDOffice of Civil Defense
OCDOil Conservation Division
OCDObsessive Castle Disorder
OCDOffice of Community Development (USDA)
OCDOrtho Clinical Diagnostics, Inc
OCDOff-Chip Driver
OCDOn Chip Debugger
OCDOrder of Discalced Carmelites (Catholic Order; The Secular Order of Carmel)
OCDOffice of Civilian Defense (USA)
OCDOsteochondral Defect
OCDOff Chip Driver Calibration
OCDOxford Classical Dictionary
OCDOffice of the Center Director
OCDOnline Course Development (various universities)
OCDOrganized Crime Division
OCDOptionally Convertible Debenture (finance)
OCDOperational Concept Document
OCDOrganizing for Community Development
OCDOfficial Catholic Directory
OCDOperational Concept Description
OCDOffshore and Coastal Dispersion
OCDOntario College Diploma (Canada)
OCDOxygen Conserving Device (various companies)
OCDOptical Critical Dimension (metrology)
OCDOffice of Coal Development
OCDOperational Capability Demonstration
OCDOut of Cell Delineation
OCDObsessive Completion Distinction
OCDOkanogan Conservation District
OCDOfficer Career Development
OCDOffice of Commonwealth Development (Massachusetts)
OCDOperator Control Display (AEGIS Combat Training System ACTS)
OCDOcean Chemistry Division
OCDOpening Closed Doors
OCDOrdre des Cols Durs (France cycling club)
OCDOahu Civil Defense (Hawaii)
OCDOntario Camp of the Deaf (Ontario, Canada)
OCDOff Campus Dons
OCDObsessive Cullen Disorder
OCDObject Component Desktop
OCDOptical Concentration Device
OCDOxalyl-CoA Decarboxylase (enzyme)
OCDOptical Communications Demonstrator
OCDObscure Character of the Day
OCDOverseas Control Date
OCDOffensive Central Defender (gaming)
OCDOver-Constrained Dispatch
OCDOptimal Coherent Decomposition
OCDOccupational Cerviobrachial Disorder
OCDOptically Coupled Device
OCDOrder Configuration and Distribution
OCDOrdnance Clearance Detachment
OCDObsessive Clinton Disorder (humor)
OCDOver-Complete Dictionary
OCDOfficer of Civilian Defense (US Navy)
OCDOperations Capability Development
OCDOil Content Detector
OCDOver Cleaning Disorder (humor)
OCDObsessive Comics Disorder
OCDOperations Control Directive (NASA)
OCDOrdered Constant Depth
OCDOperational Control Document
OCDOrdnance Classification of Defects
OCDOffshore Centre Denmark