Acronym | Definition |
OCD | Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder |
OCD | Office of Child Development |
OCD | Over the Counter Drugs |
OCD | Osteochondritis Dissecans |
OCD | Office of Civil Defense |
OCD | Oil Conservation Division |
OCD | Obsessive Castle Disorder |
OCD | Office of Community Development (USDA) |
OCD | Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, Inc |
OCD | Off-Chip Driver |
OCD | On Chip Debugger |
OCD | Order of Discalced Carmelites (Catholic Order; The Secular Order of Carmel) |
OCD | Office of Civilian Defense (USA) |
OCD | Osteochondral Defect |
OCD | Off Chip Driver Calibration |
OCD | Oxford Classical Dictionary |
OCD | Office of the Center Director |
OCD | Online Course Development (various universities) |
OCD | Organized Crime Division |
OCD | Optionally Convertible Debenture (finance) |
OCD | Operational Concept Document |
OCD | Organizing for Community Development |
OCD | Official Catholic Directory |
OCD | Operational Concept Description |
OCD | Offshore and Coastal Dispersion |
OCD | Ontario College Diploma (Canada) |
OCD | Oxygen Conserving Device (various companies) |
OCD | Optical Critical Dimension (metrology) |
OCD | Office of Coal Development |
OCD | Operational Capability Demonstration |
OCD | Out of Cell Delineation |
OCD | Obsessive Completion Distinction |
OCD | Okanogan Conservation District |
OCD | Officer Career Development |
OCD | Office of Commonwealth Development (Massachusetts) |
OCD | Operator Control Display (AEGIS Combat Training System ACTS) |
OCD | Ocean Chemistry Division |
OCD | Opening Closed Doors |
OCD | Ordre des Cols Durs (France cycling club) |
OCD | Oahu Civil Defense (Hawaii) |
OCD | Ontario Camp of the Deaf (Ontario, Canada) |
OCD | Off Campus Dons |
OCD | Obsessive Cullen Disorder |
OCD | Object Component Desktop |
OCD | Optical Concentration Device |
OCD | Oxalyl-CoA Decarboxylase (enzyme) |
OCD | Optical Communications Demonstrator |
OCD | Obscure Character of the Day |
OCD | Overseas Control Date |
OCD | Offensive Central Defender (gaming) |
OCD | Over-Constrained Dispatch |
OCD | Optimal Coherent Decomposition |
OCD | Occupational Cerviobrachial Disorder |
OCD | Optically Coupled Device |
OCD | Order Configuration and Distribution |
OCD | Ordnance Clearance Detachment |
OCD | Obsessive Clinton Disorder (humor) |
OCD | Over-Complete Dictionary |
OCD | Officer of Civilian Defense (US Navy) |
OCD | Operations Capability Development |
OCD | Oil Content Detector |
OCD | Over Cleaning Disorder (humor) |
OCD | Obsessive Comics Disorder |
OCD | Operations Control Directive (NASA) |
OCD | Ordered Constant Depth |
OCD | Operational Control Document |
OCD | Ordnance Classification of Defects |
OCD | Offshore Centre Denmark |