Acronym | Definition |
AMI | Advanced Metering Infrastructure (technology for gathering and diseminating information at a utility meter) |
AMI | Ambient Intelligence |
AMI | Amazon Machine Image (Amazon) |
AMI | Area Median Income |
AMI | American Meat Institute |
AMI | Acute Myocardial Infarction |
AMI | Association Montessori Internationale |
AMI | Advanced Materials, Inc. (various locations) |
AMI | Access Markets International (New York, NY) |
AMI | Alternative Medicine Integration |
AMI | Audi Music Interface |
AMI | Alternate Mark Inversion |
AMI | American Medical Instruments |
AMI | Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. (Worcester, MA) |
AMI | Asset Management International (est. 2003; Seattle, WA) |
AMI | Accessible Media, Inc. (Canada) |
AMI | Assistência Médica Internacional (Portugal) |
AMI | Amele (SIL code, Papua New Guinea) |
AMI | Artist Management, Inc. (Canada) |
AMI | Accord Multilatéral sur l'Investissement |
AMI | Analog Modules, Inc. (Longwood, FL) |
AMI | Aeronautica Militare Italiana |
AMI | Add-Ons Mirror |
AMI | Applied Mathematics and Informatics (degree program) |
AMI | Adam Mickiewicz Institute (Poland) |
AMI | Arbejdsmiljøinstituttet (Denmark) |
AMI | Alternative Mark Inversion |
AMI | Application Messaging Interface |
AMI | Advanced Mobile Internet |
AMI | American Megatrends Inc. |
AMI | Automotive Management Institute |
AMI | Africa Mining Intelligence |
AMI | Aide Médicale Internationale |
AMI | Alliance for the Mentally Ill |
AMI | Area of Mutual Interest |
AMI | Applied Medical Informatics |
AMI | Active Microwave Instrument |
AMI | Association of Medical Illustrators |
AMI | Australian Marketing Institute |
AMI | Academy of Molecular Imaging (California) |
AMI | Automated Metering Infrastructure |
AMI | Asterisk Manager Interface |
AMI | Amazon Malaria Initiative |
AMI | Association of Mountaineering Instructors |
AMI | Artificial Machine Intelligence (software development) |
AMI | Arcminute Microkelvin Imager |
AMI | American Megatrends, Incorporated |
AMI | Annual Median Income |
AMI | Agricultural Management Institute (Canada) |
AMI | Associacao de Midia Interativa (Brazil) |
AMI | Assurance Maladie-Invalidité |
AMI | American Monetary Institute |
AMI | Artificial Muscle, Inc. (various locations) |
AMI | American Motorcycle Institute |
AMI | American Mushroom Institute |
AMI | Association of Mutual Insurers (Cheshire, UK) |
AMI | Association of Microbiologists (India) |
AMI | American Magnetics, Inc. |
AMI | Adult Multiple Intelligences |
AMI | Auction Marketing Institute |
AMI | Alaris Medical, Inc. |
AMI | Arthur Murray International |
AMI | Association for Music and Imagery |
AMI | ATM Management Interface |
AMI | American Methanol Institute |
AMI | Average Mutual Information |
AMI | Antibody-Mediated Immunity |
AMI | Analytical Methods Inc. |
AMI | Aide aux Musiques Innovatrices (French: Assistance to Innovative Music) |
AMI | Atlas Metadata Interface |
AMI | Application of Metrics in Industry |
AMI | Agencia Mexicana de Informacion |
AMI | Anaren Microwave, Inc. (Syracuse, NY) |
AMI | Asociación Música en Internet |
AMI | Australian Medical Index |
AMI | Albanian Media Institute |
AMI | Alternative Mortgage Instrument |
AMI | Fundação de Assistência Médica Internacional (Portugese) |
AMI | Advanced Management, Inc. |
AMI | Animations Musicales Interactives (French: Interactive Musical Entertainment; professional disc jockey service) |
AMI | Alchemy Mindworks, Inc. (est. 1988) |
AMI | Advanced Molecular Imaging |
AMI | Asociación de Medios en Internet |
AMI | Associated Marine Institutes, Inc. |
AMI | Account Management Interface (Creighton University) |
AMI | Association Modeste et Innocent (French) |
AMI | Mataram, Indonesia - Selaparang (Airport Code) |
AMI | Advanced Manufacturing Initiative |
AMI | Application Modernization Initiative (computing initiative) |
AMI | Ambulatory Monitoring, Inc. |
AMI | Association of Mountain Instructors (British) |
AMI | Artistic Minds Inc (website) |
AMI | Asociación de Mujeres de las Independencias (Spanish: Women's Association of Independence; Colombia) |
AMI | Aqua Massage International |
AMI | Apostolat Militaire International (International Military Apostolate) |
AMI | Automated Machinery, Inc. (Ohio) |
AMI | Affiliated Manufacturers, Inc. |
AMI | Ascension Mastery International |
AMI | Associazione Mozart Italia |
AMI | Action on Mental Illness (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) |
AMI | Advanced Medicine, Inc. |
AMI | Auburn Manufacturing, Inc. |
AMI | Advanced Microprocessor Ignition (automobiles) |
AMI | Airline Modifiable Information |
AMI | Auto Mobile International |
AMI | Aerofoam Metals, Inc. (Delaware) |
AMI | American Microsystems Incorporated |
AMI | Allen Myland, Inc. |
AMI | Arts Management Internship (Pennsylvania Council on the Arts) |
AMI | Amsterdam Management Inc. |
AMI | Advanced Microwave Instrument |
AMI | Atlantic Media Institute (California) |
AMI | Air Marshall Islands, Inc. |
AMI | Amplified MOS Imager |
AMI | Absolute Media, Inc. |
AMI | Advanced Microelectronics for Industrialists (UK) |
AMI | Alpha/Mach Indicator |
AMI | Aggregate Manufacturing International |
AMI | Access Method Interface |
AMI | Aide Aux Malades Indigents |
AMI | AlphaMicron, Inc. |
AMI | Association Montoise d'Improvisation |
AMI | Aviation Maintenance Inspection |
AMI | Autoglas Maintenance Inc. |
AMI | Assurances Mutuelles de l'Indre |
AMI | Advanced Meditech International, Inc. |
AMI | American Medical Information, Inc. |
AMI | Associação Mundial de IrisDiagnose |
AMI | Academic Medicine, Inc. (Missouri) |
AMI | Applied Mapping Inc. (Jacksonville, FL) |
AMI | American Mutual Insurance Company (Boston) |
AMI | Airspeed Mach Indicator |
AMI | Azienda Multiservizi Imolese |
AMI | Advanced Measurement Initiative |
AMI | American Media International, Ltd |
AMI | Administrative Management Institute (Cornell University) |
AMI | Acuerdo Mundial de Inversiones (Spanish: Global Investment Agreement) |
AMI | Adaptations of Motivational Interviewing |
AMI | Advanced Manned Interceptor |
AMI | Ames Media Institute |
AMI | Applied Market Information Group |
AMI | Association Managers, Inc. |
AMI | Asociación de Mujeres Indígenas (Spanish: Association of Indeginous Women; Guatemala) |
AMI | Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, Inc (Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA) |
AMI | Applied Mechanics Inc. |
AMI | Absolute Memory Image |
AMI | Advanced Medical Instruments, Inc. |
AMI | American Majority Institute |
AMI | Army Managed Item |
AMI | Association of Media Independents |
AMI | Application/Manager Interface |
AMI | Applied Medical Imaging |
AMI | ASARS Maintainability Improvement |
AMI | Automatic Motion Inhibit |
AMI | American Marina Institute |
AMI | Automated Microwave Instrumentation |
AMI | Airborne Measurement Instrument |
AMI | Arts & Métiers Initiatives |
AMI | Area Manager Inspection |
AMI | Additional Morning Inspection |
AMI | Automobiles & Mécaniques Immortelles (French: Automotive & Mechanical Immortal; est. 1995) |
AMI | American Mechanical Incorporated |
AMI | Ashley Montegu Institute |
AMI | Audit Manager Infrastructure |
AMI | Acheminement Multiple Intelligent Routing Scheme (French: Multiple intelligent routing) |
AMI | Artist Management Interface |
AMI | Armstrong Magnetics, Inc. |
AMI | Aide Mathématiques Individualisée (Québec) |
AMI | Alarm Maintenance Installation Ltd. (UK) |
AMI | Area Maintenance Inspector |
AMI | Avionics Midlife Improvements |
AMI | Anglican Mainstream International |
AMI | Acceptance Mask Identifier (computer networking) |