NICENational Institute for Health and Care Excellence (UK)
NICENigerian Institution of Civil Engineers (Nigerian Society of Engineers)
NICENo Internal Combustion Engine
NICENetwork Information and Command Exchange
NICENo Internal Combustion Engine (electric vehicle)
NICENew Immigrant Community Empowerment
NICENational Institute for Consumer Education
NICENetwork Information and Control Exchange
NICENonprofit International Consortium for Eiffel
NICENational Information & Credit Evaluation Inc.
NICENever-Ending International Workcamps Exchange
NICENetwork Interface for Cultural Exchange
NICENavy Interface for Command Email
NICENoorul Islam College of Engineering
NICENational Institute on Cooperative Education
NICENational Institute for Christian Education
NICENational Initiative on Care for Elderly (India)
NICENomenclature of the Industries in the European Communities
NICENosocomial Infection Control in Europe
NICENarrative, Immersive, Collaborative Environment (teleimmersion education application)
NICENorthern Illinois Computer Exchange
NICENew and Improved Clock and Ephemeris (GPS)
NICENetwork of Information Technology Consultants in Europe
NICENeptune Intelligent Computer Equipment (Ra’anana, Israel)
NICENetwork Interface Customer Electronics