Acronym | Definition |
NACS | National Association of Convenience Stores |
NACS | Netware Asynchronous Communications Server |
NACS | National Association of College Stores |
NACS | Northwest Allen County Schools (Indiana) |
NACS | North American Catalan Society |
NACS | Nordic Association for Canadian Studies (University of Turku; Finland) |
NACS | North American Catalysis Society |
NACS | North American Challenge Skate (figure skating competition) |
NACS | National Advisory Committee On Semiconductors |
NACS | Nippon Association of Consumer Specialists (Japan) |
NACS | National American Chemical Society |
NACS | Nordic Association for China Studies |
NACS | North American Counter-Strike (gaming) |
NACS | Network Access Control System |
NACS | North American Container System |
NACS | National Association of Consumer Shows |
NACS | National Association for Check Safekeeping |
NACS | North American Cockatiel Society |
NACS | Neutral Atmosphere Composition Spectrometer |
NACS | Neural and Cognitive Sciences (Maryland) |
NACS | North American Clivia Society |
NACS | NetWare Asynchronous Communications Server (Novell) |
NACS | North Asia Cable System (Level 3 Communications, Inc.) |
NACS | Northern Area Communications System |
NACS | National Academy of Construction Safety |
NACS | Northwest Academic Computing Consortium |
NACS | Network and Computing Services (University of California, Irvine) |
NACS | NetWare Asynchronous Connection Service (Novell) |
NACS | Network of Anti-Corruption Specialists |