Acronym | Definition |
AER | Annual Equivalent Rate |
AER | Assembly of European Regions |
AER | Army Emergency Relief |
AER | Australian Energy Regulator |
AER | Adler/Sochi (Russia) |
AER | American Economic Review |
AER | Alberta Energy Regulator (Alberta, Canada) |
AER | Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired |
AER | Adverse Event Reporting (pharmaceutical clinical trials) |
AER | Annual Environmental Report (various locations) |
AER | Agricultural Economics Research |
AER | Atmospheric and Environmental Research |
AER | All Electric Range |
AER | Allocation Équivalent Retraite |
AER | Apical Ectodermal Ridge (developmental biology) |
AER | Advanced Edge Router |
AER | Attribute Error Rate |
AER | Authorized Education Reseller |
AER | Albumin Excretion Rate (medical) |
AER | Action for Economic Reforms (Philippines) |
AER | Alliant Energy Resources, Inc. (Wisconsin) |
AER | Australian Educational Researcher (Australian Association for Research in Education) |
AER | Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation (Australia) |
AER | Auditory Evoked Response |
AER | Acoustic Evoked Response |
AER | Association of European Radios (Brussels, Belgium) |
AER | Address-Event Representation (communications protocol for transferring spikes between bio-inspired chips) |
AER | Academic Evaluation Report |
AER | Accident Excess Reduction |
AER | Artisans des Energies Renouvelables (French: Artisans of Renewable Energy) |
AER | Army in Europe Regulation (US Army) |
AER | Acceptable Error Rate |
AER | Agrupacion Espeleologica Ramaliega |
AER | Adverse Experience Report (various locations) |
AER | Annual Emissions Report |
AER | Average Evoked Response |
AER | Active Error Recovery |
AER | Alpha Epsilon Rho (college broadcast fraternity) |
AER | Alteration Equivalent to Repair |
AER | All England Reports (Law) |
AER | Air Energy Recovery |
AER | Annual Earnings Rate |
AER | Approach End Runway |
AER | After Engine Room |
AER | Agence Exécutive pour la Recherche (French: Executive Research Agency; Brussels, Belgium) |
AER | Advanced Electric Reactor |
AER | Agri-Energy Roundtable (est. 1980) |
AER | Association for Education in Radio |
AER | Alteration Equivalent to a Repair (US Navy) |
AER | Advance Engineering Release |
AER | Advanced Exploration Research |
AER | Assessment and Evaluation Report |
AER | Acoustic Emission Receiver |
AER | Appropriate Extent of Remedy |
AER | Azimuth-Elevation-Range |
AER | Alteration Engineering Request |
AER | Automatic Event Recorder |
AER | Anything Else Robin (Howard Stern) |
AER | Average Event Rate |
AER | Allowable Energy Range (physics) |
AER | Acute Epileptic Reaction (neurology) |
AER | All-Electric Energy Range |