Acronym | Definition |
MTA | Mail Transport Agent (e-mail) |
MTA | Metropolitan Transportation Authority (New York, NY, USA) |
MTA | Mail Transfer Agent (Internet E-Mail) |
MTA | Mount Allison University |
MTA | Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority |
MTA | Maryland Transit Administration |
MTA | Meet the Author |
MTA | Magyar Tudományos Akadémia (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest) |
MTA | Material Transfer Agreement |
MTA | Military Transport Aircraft |
MTA | Medium Transport Aircraft |
MTA | Metropolitan Transit Authority (Boston, now MBTA) |
MTA | Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder; US NIMH) |
MTA | Mercato Telematico Azionario (Italian: Online Stock Market) |
MTA | Motor Trade Association |
MTA | Medical Technology Assessment |
MTA | Message Transfer Agent |
MTA | Malta Tourism Authority |
MTA | Management and Technical Assistance |
MTA | Multi Theft Auto (game) |
MTA | Managing the Atom |
MTA | Multimedia Terminal Adapter |
MTA | Master of Tourism Administration |
MTA | Mass Transit Administration |
MTA | Mario Tennis Aces (gaming) |
MTA | Maryland Transit Authority |
MTA | Massachusetts Turnpike Authority |
MTA | Market Technicians Association (financial markets) |
MTA | Military Training Area |
MTA | Massachusetts Teachers Association |
MTA | Multi Threaded Apartment |
MTA | Message Transport Agent |
MTA | Message Transfer Architecture |
MTA | Media Termination Adapter |
MTA | My Talker Address |
MTA | Metropolitan Transportation Authority |
MTA | Manual Transmission Automated |
MTA | Multi Threaded Architecture |
MTA | Mobile Telephony Api |
MTA | Multi Tier Application |
MTA | Multi Tier Architecture |
MTA | Mail Transfer Agent |
MTA | Michigan Townships Association |
MTA | Marvel's the Avengers (film) |
MTA | Major Trading Area(s) |
MTA | Maximum Time Aloft |
MTA | Mid-Term Appraisal |
MTA | Mage: the Awakening (gaming) |
MTA | Medical Technical Assistant |
MTA | Mineral Trioxide Aggregate |
MTA | Monthly Treasury Average |
MTA | Monthly Treasury Average (ARM index) |
MTA | Maine Turnpike Authority |
MTA | Microsoft Technology Associate (certification) |
MTA | Maccabi Tel Aviv (Israeli basketball team) |
MTA | Minimum Transfer Amount (collateral) |
MTA | Muslim Television Ahmadiyya (UK) |
MTA | Million Metric Tons Annually |
MTA | Mathematics Teachers Association |
MTA | Marin Telecommunications Agency (Novato, CA) |
MTA | Metallic Test Access (Nortel) |
MTA | Maintenance Task Analysis |
MTA | Medizinisch-Technische Assistentin (German Profession in Medical Sector) |
MTA | Masonic Temple Association (various locations) |
MTA | Major Training Area |
MTA | Mendocino Transit Authority (California) |
MTA | Mid-Term Adjustment (insurance policy change) |
MTA | Mage: the Ascension (game) |
MTA | Message Traffic Analysis |
MTA | Mississippi Technology Alliance (Ridgeland, MI) |
MTA | Mitsubishi Turbocharger Asia Co., Ltd. (Japan) |
MTA | Metropolitan Trading Area |
MTA | Multi-Threaded Architecture |
MTA | Manchester Transit Authority (New Hampshire, USA) |
MTA | Media Terminal Adaptor (cable telephony) |
MTA | Minnesota Telephone Association |
MTA | Minnesota Taxpayers Association |
MTA | Montana Telecommunications Association (formerly Montana Telephone Association) |
MTA | Military Training Agreement (US DoD) |
MTA | M Technology Association (user group for the M [MUMPS] programming language) |
MTA | Multiple Terminal Access |
MTA | Military Testing Association |
MTA | Major Technical Area |
MTA | Motorcycle Touring Association (US) |
MTA | Muslim TV Ahmadiyya (satellite channel) |
MTA | Multiple Technology Appraisal (National Health Service; UK) |
MTA | Maryland Taxpayers Association |
MTA | Mpumalanga Tourism Authority (South Africa) |
MTA | Mobile Task Automation |
MTA | Model Turned Actress |
MTA | Minnesota Telecommunications Association |
MTA | Microwave Transition Analyzer |
MTA | Material Transfer Area (various organizations) |
MTA | Management Team Associates (Santa Monica, CA) |
MTA | Medium Threat Area (US DoD) |
MTA | Majura Training Area (Australia) |
MTA | Mother Tongue Annoyances (linguistics; blog) |
MTA | Monopropellant Tank Assembly (Cassini Plasma Spectrometer) |
MTA | Montana Telephone Association (now Montana Telecommunications Association) |
MTA | Minnesota Trappers Association |
MTA | Minnesota Transit Authority |
MTA | Mass Termination Assembly (computer engineering) |
MTA | Macintosh Telephony Architecture (Apple) |
MTA | Motorcycle Tires and Accessories |
MTA | Military Transportation Authorization |
MTA | Minnesota Trout Association |
MTA | Maryland Transit Association |
MTA | Muhlenberg Theatre Association (Muhlenberg College) |
MTA | Media Termination Adapters |
MTA | Maintenance Technical Assistance |
MTA | Multi-TADIL Architecture |
MTA | Metropolitan Transit Area |
MTA | Multiple Time Around (radar systems) |
MTA | Medical Tourism Association, Inc. |
MTA | Maitland Trail Association (Goderich, ON, Canada) |
MTA | Music Teachers' Association of New South Wales |
MTA | Modular Test Architecture |
MTA | Message Transport Address (Sprint) |
MTA | Midwest Telecommunications Association |
MTA | Manual Target Acquisition |
MTA | Multimedia Terminal and Applications |
MTA | Manhattan Torah Academy |
MTA | Militärisch-Technisches Abkommen (German: Treaty on Military Technologies) |
MTA | Marine Tactical Automated Command and Control System |
MTA | Magnetic Torque Assembly |
MTA | Materiel Transfer Agreement |
MTA | Maghrébine de Transport & Auxiliaires |
MTA | MAC Transportation Request |
MTA | Manufacturing Technology Activity |
MTA | Multi-Object Trace Assertion |
MTA | Memo To Agent |
MTA | Medium Temperature Adhesive |
MTA | Materials Testing Activity |
MTA | Mutual Training Association |
MTA | Mission Tasking Agreement |
MTA | Maximum Turning Angle |
MTA | Matched Typed Address (philately) |
MTA | Main Training Area |
MTA | Mine Threat Area |
MTA | Mac Technology Association (UK Trade Association for Apple Mac resellers) |