OPDMOffice of the Deputy Prime Minister
OPDMOne-Particle Density Matrix
OPDMoculopharyngodistal myopathy
OPDMOxford Publishing and Digital Media
OPDMOffice of Project Development and Management
OPDMOffice Productivity/Design Media
OPDMoffspring of prediabetic mothers
OPDMOther Pipelines Delivery Must-Flow Service
OPDMOnePoint Device Manager
OPDMChild Overweight Prevention Detection and Management (Venice Family Clinic, Venice, CA)
OPDMOptimal Procurement Deployment Modeling
OPDMoptical power detector module
OPDMOutsourced Product Development and Maintenance
OPDMOutsourced Product Development Methodology
OPDMOperation and Planning Distribution Model
OPDMOur Precious Death Machine (band)