NISNorton Internet Security (Symantec software)
NISNewly Independent States
NISNaval Investigative Service
NISNetwork Information Service (aka Yellow Pages)
NISNationwide Inpatient Sample
NISNetwork Information Services
NISNew Independent States
NISNetwork Information System
NISNew Israeli Shekel (currency in Israel)
NISNippon Ichi Software
NISNuova Italia Scientifica (Italian: New Scientific Italy; book)
NISNational Intelligence Service (various countries)
NISNear-Infrared Spectrometer
NISNational Immunization Survey
NISSodium Iodide Symporter
NISNational Insurance Services (Brookfield, WI)
NISNational Incidence Study (child abuse; US DHHS)
NISNational Integrity System (anti-corruption)
NISNon-Interventional Study (pharmaceutical development)
NISNetwork Infrastructure Services
NISNamo Image Slicer
NISNetwork Information Service
NISNetwork Interconnection Service
NISNorton Internet Security
NISNational Institutes of Statistics (various locations)
NISNational Indicator Set (UK)
NISNational Intelligence Survey
NISNagoya International School (est. 1964; Japan)
NISNegative Ion Source
NISNuclear Information Service (UK)
NISNational Institute of Sports (India)
NISNorwegian International School (Hong Kong)
NISNational Indoor Stadium (Beijing, China)
NISNavigation Information Service (US DoT)
NISNational Intelligence Strategy
NISNational Intelligence System (police incident code; New Zealand)
NISNormally in Stock (merchandise)
NISNot In Stock
NISNational Information System
NISNigeria Immigration Service
NISNot in Service
NISNeighborhood Improvement Services (various locations)
NISNational Information Service (various countries)
NISNational Identity Scheme (UK)
NISNorsk Internasjonalt Skipsregister (Norwegian International Ship Registery)
NISNon-Intrinsically Safe
NISNational Industry Standards (housing)
NISNew Incentive Scheme
NISNishimachi International School (Tokyo, Japan)
NISNetwork Infrastructure Solutions
NISNational Insurance System
NISNonproliferation and International Security division (US DOE)
NISNormal Metal-Insulator-Superconductor (aka Superconductor-Insulator-Normal Metal)
NISNATO Identification System
NISNon-Interactive Sequence (gaming)
NISNational Implementation Strategy
NISNational Intelligence System
NISNuclear Instrumentation System
NISNational Improvement Strategy (UK)
NISNon-Proliferation and International Security
NISNational Input Segment
NISNaval Inspection Service (US Navy)
NISNeurological Impairment Scale
NISNet Income Statement (finance)
NISNATO International Staff
NISNational Insurance Specialists
NISNeighborhood Improvement Strategy
NISNational Integration Services (touchscreen manufacturer)
NISNoise Information System
NISNew Immigrant Study
NISNetwork Integrity Services Ltd (Stockport, Cheshire, UK)
NISNational Imagery System
NISNIMA Information Service
NISNMCS (Non-Mission Capable Status) Information System (US DoD)
NISNational Interdepartmental Seminar
NISNon-Invasive Sampling
NISNestlé Investor Seminar
NISNet Interest Spreads
NISNegotiation Information System
NISNetworked Information Storage
NISNitrogen Inerting System (military aviation, fuel subsystem)
NISNonprofit Insurance Services (Hanover, PA)