Acronym | Definition |
NCR | National Cash Register Company |
NCR | National Capital Region |
NCR | National Catholic Reporter (newspaper) |
NCR | Combination (probabilities) |
NCR | New Carroltton (Amtrak station code; New Caroltton, MD) |
NCR | North Central Railway (India) |
NCR | New California Republic (fiction) |
NCR | North Central Region |
NCR | National Council of Resistance |
NCR | National Civic Review (journal; National Civic League) |
NCR | National Cycle Route (National Cycle Network; UK) |
NCR | No Criminal Record |
NCR | National Credit Reporting (various locations) |
NCR | Nonconformance Report |
NCR | Numeric Character Reference |
NCR | Numeric Character Reference (markup construct) |
NCR | North Coast Rocketry (Ohio) |
NCR | No Carbon Required |
NCR | National Catholic Register (newspaper) |
NCR | National Culinary Review (American Culinary Federation) |
NCR | Naval Construction Regiment |
NCR | Non-Conformance Report |
NCR | Not Criminally Responsible (Canadian law) |
NCR | National Clinical Research (Richmond, VA) |
NCR | North Circular Road (Dublin, Ireland) |
NCR | Natural and Cultural Resources |
NCR | Non-Combat Related |
NCR | Northern Central Railroad |
NCR | Non-Conformance Record (aka Non-Conforming Record) |
NCR | National Security Agency/Central Security Service Representative (US DoD) |
NCR | Non-Compliance Report |
NCR | National Cryptologic Representative (US DoD) |
NCR | Natural Color Relief (maps) |
NCR | No Country Redirect |
NCR | Neuro-Cranial Restructuring |
NCR | No Calibration Required (tool control program) |
NCR | Non-Contingent Reinforcement |
NCR | National Care Record (UK) |
NCR | Niles Canyon Railway |
NCR | National Customs Ruling (Canada) |
NCR | North County Road (Texas) |
NCR | No Canadian Rights (intellectual property/performance rights) |
NCR | Network Clock Reference |
NCR | North Carolina Renaissance |
NCR | Neutrophil Chemotactic Response |
NCR | National Customer Relations (various companies) |
NCR | National Commission for Reparations |
NCR | Nationale Cooperatieve Raad voor land- en Tuinbouw (National Co-operative Council for Agriculture and Horticulture; The Netherlands) |
NCR | no cardiac resuscitation |
NCR | National Cell Repository |
NCR | Non-Compliance Rating (medicine) |
NCR | Notification of Change Report |
NCR | Navy Change Request |
NCR | Net Commodity Rate |
NCR | NTCS-A Change Request |
NCR | Network Capacity Requirements |
NCR | Núcleo Central de Reserva (Guatemala police task force) |
NCR | Non Carbon Residue |
NCR | National Computer Registry |
NCR | Net Collectible Revenue (Sprint) |
NCR | NATO Commanders Representative |
NCR | Nucleo Central de Reacción (Guatemala, special police division) |
NCR | Nomenclature Change Request |
NCR | NCCS Change Request |
NCR | Native CAD (Computer-Aided Design) Reader (software) |