MOOMode of Operation
MOOMaster of Orion (computer game)
MOOMulti-Objective Optimization (engineering)
MOOMy Opinion Only
MOOMUD Object Oriented
MOOMulti Objective Optimizer
MOOMicrosoft Office Outlook
MOOMatter of Opinion
MOOMutual of Omaha (insurance company)
MOOMarket on Open (investing/trading)
MOOMemorandum Opinion and Order (FCC)
MOOMultiuser Object-Oriented
MOOMarathon Infinity (computer game; oo represents infinity symbol)
MOOMothers Opposed to the Occult
MOOMutuality of Obligation (legal concept)
MOOMeasure Of Outcome
MOOMaterial on Order
MOOMPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching) Over OTN (Optical Transport Network)
MOOMaintenance Operations Officer (US Air Force)
MOOMarket of Opportunities (software)