NIDNetwork Interface Device
NIDNo I Don't
NIDNotional Interest Deduction (taxation)
NIDNamespace Identifier
NIDNotice of Intent to Develop (various locations)
NIDNational Intelligence Department (gaming)
NIDNetwork Interface Demarcation
NIDNetwork Interface Division
NIDNetwork Information Database
NIDNext Identifier
NIDNational Identity
NIDNational Intelligence Director
NIDNCVA (Naval Cryptologic Veterans Association) Internet Directory
NIDNorthern Illinois District (Lutheran schools)
NIDNew Iraqi Dinar
NIDNational Immunization Day (WHO)
NIDNote Id (Lotus Notes)
NIDNational Inventory of Dams
NIDNetwork Identification
NIDNo I Didn't
NIDNational Identity Card (various nations)
NIDNon-Invasive Detection
NIDNetwork Identifier
NIDNon Insulin Dependent
NIDNaval Intelligence Division
NIDNamibia Institute for Democracy (est. 1991)
NIDNode Identifier
NIDNeuronal Intestinal Dysplasia (condition)
NIDNational Intelligence Daily
NIDNational Institute of Design, India
NIDNew Interactive Display
NIDNational Intelligence Division (Stargate TV series)
NIDNetwork Intrusion Detector
NIDNever in Doubt
NIDNational Institute on Deafness
NIDNational Interest Determination
NIDNo It Didn't
NIDNormally and Independently Distributed (statistics)
NIDNot in Database
NIDNetwork Inward Dialing
NIDNormalized Information Distance
NIDNetwork Interface or Demarcation
NIDNaval Intelligence Database
NIDNational Infrastructure Database
NIDNaval Infantry Division
NIDNovel Integrated Desulphurization (air pollution control)
NIDNetwork Interface Division (Intel)