Acronym | Definition |
MTM | Medication Therapy Management |
MTM | Mary Tyler Moore (actress) |
MTM | Month-to-Month |
MTM | Microsoft Test Manager (software) |
MTM | Mouth to Mouth |
MTM | Multi-Technology Mix |
MTM | Mountain Home (Amtrak station code; Mountain Home, ID) |
MTM | Myndigheten for Tillgangliga Medier (Swedish: Agency for Accessible Media; Ministry of Culture) |
MTM | Made to Measure |
MTM | Medical Transportation Management, Inc. (Saint Louis, MO) |
MTM | Mono Text Mode |
MTM | Motoren Technik Mayer |
MTM | Many to Many |
MTM | Multi Tracker Mode |
MTM | Multitask Toolbox for Matlab |
MTM | Machine to Machine |
MTM | Multi Media |
MTM | Micros to Mainframes |
MTM | Midwoofer-Tweeter-Midwoofer (audio configuration) |
MTM | Motoren-Technik-Mayer |
MTM | Music That Matters (podcast) |
MTM | Model Talent Management (various locations) |
MTM | Multi-Task Machining (a multiple spindle, metal cutting machine) |
MTM | Metrics That Matter (human resources) |
MTM | Methods Time Measurement |
MTM | Marked to Market |
MTM | Media Technology Monitor (Canada) |
MTM | Myotubular Myopathy |
MTM | Majlis Tertinggi Mahasiswa (Malay: Supreme Student Council) |
MTM | Music Tech Magazine (UK) |
MTM | Minutes to Midnight (Linkin Park album) |
MTM | Mini-Traction Machine (film) |
MTM | Monster Truck Madness |
MTM | Movement-to-Music (software) |
MTM | Monetary Transmission Mechanism (economics) |
MTM | Mountaintop Mining (surface mining technique) |
MTM | Mediterranean Transit Migration (dialogue) |
MTM | Meta-Material |
MTM | Mother to Mother (Burlington, VT) |
MTM | Mobile Trusted Module (Trusted Computing Group) |
MTM | Mild to Moderate |
MTM | Minnesota Transportation Museum |
MTM | Mobile-to-Mobile (telecommunications) |
MTM | Mark-To-Model |
MTM | Ministry to Men (Bartlett, TN) |
MTM | Master of Technology Management |
MTM | Multi-Taper Method |
MTM | Management Team Meeting (various organizations) |
MTM | Multitracker Module (a digital music format) |
MTM | Metal to Metal |
MTM | Multidisciplinary Team Meeting (healthcare) |
MTM | Machine to Machine Communication (various organizations) |
MTM | More Than Memories (Schaumburg, IL) |
MTM | Million Ton Miles |
MTM | Monitoring Tailor-Made (workshop) |
MTM | Maneaban Te Mauri Party (Kiribati) |
MTM | Moment To Moment |
MTM | Medium Temperature Molding (travel) |
MTM | Metaalkunde en Toegepaste Materiaalkunde |
MTM | Motivating Team Members (business workshop) |
MTM | Master of Telecommunications Management (various locations) |
MTM | Mediterranean Travel Management (Mediterranean Travel Magazine) |
MTM | Modern Transportation Museum (Osaka, Japan) |
MTM | Mobile Theft Management (software security) |
MTM | Modular Tire Manufacturing |
MTM | Making the Main (blog) |
MTM | Michigan Transit Museum |
MTM | Mechanical Test Model |
MTM | Major Tool Machine (Indianapolis, IN) |
MTM | Murray to Mountains Rail Trail (Australia) |
MTM | Move the Money |
MTM | Missions to Military |
MTM | Manage the Manager (fund) |
MTM | Multimedia Terminal Mobile (mobile phones) |
MTM | McNeilus Truck and Manufacturing (Dodge Center, Minnesota) |
MTM | Model Test Model |
MTM | Master of Transport Management |
MTM | Mobile Test Model |
MTM | Manufacturing Team Member |
MTM | Matrix Transformation Method |
MTM | Multi-Task Monitor |
MTM | Maintenance Test Module |
MTM | Mass Thermal Mode |
MTM | Military Training Manager |
MTM | Mary T. Murphy School (Branford, CT) |
MTM | Metric Ton of Metal |
MTM | McLintock Theater Model |
MTM | Magnetic Tape Module |
MTM | Maneuvering Tactical Missiles |
MTM | Mind To Machine |
MTM | Modification Transmittal Memorandum |
MTM | Money-Through-Mobile |
MTM | Maintenance Training Manager/Module |
MTM | Memory to Memory interface |
MTM | Master in the Teaching of Mathematics |