Acronym | Definition |
MTO | Made to Order |
MTO | More Than One |
MTO | Monto |
MTO | Make-To-Order |
MTO | Medium-Term Objective (budgets) |
MTO | Mediterranean Theater of Operations |
MTO | Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (government of Ontario, Canada) |
MTO | Mineral Titles Online (various locations) |
MTO | Microsystems Technology Office |
MTO | Manton (Amtrak station code; Manton, MI) |
MTO | Methanol-to-Olefin (energy process) |
MTO | Music Theory Online (journal; Society for Music Theory) |
MTO | Master Terminal Operator |
MTO | Many to One |
MTO | Make to Order |
MTO | Medical Time Out (tennis) |
MTO | Media Take Out (celebrity gossip website) |
MTO | Multi-Modal Transport Operator |
MTO | Mandatory Tender Offer (various companies) |
MTO | Millennial Territory Orchestra (Steven Bernstein) |
MTO | Mid Term Objective |
MTO | Moving to Opportunity for Fair Housing (US HUD) |
MTO | Metropolitan Tenants Organization |
MTO | Motor Transport Officer (various armed forces) |
MTO | Mandatory Time Off |
MTO | Maximum Tolerable Outage |
MTO | Mass Transfer Operations (chemical engineering) |
MTO | Master Terminal Operator (IMS) |
MTO | Message To Observer |
MTO | Material Take Off |
MTO | Medical Technical Officer |
MTO | Mineral Turpentine Oil (manufacturing) |
MTO | Medical Training Officer |
MTO | Money Transfer Operator (various companies) |
MTO | Material Transfer Order |
MTO | Memory Test Option |
MTO | Motor Tax Office |
MTO | Managers Time Out (various locations) |
MTO | Mission Tasking Order |
MTO | Modified Toy Orchestra (UK) |
MTO | Media Time-Out (sports) |
MTO | Manufacturing Technology Objective |
MTO | Maintenance Tasking Order (various organizations) |
MTO | Main Track Only (horse racing) |
MTO | Method to Operate |
MTO | Ministère du Transport de l'Ontario (French: Ministry of Transportation Ontario; Ontario, Canada) |
MTO | Maritime Trade Operations |
MTO | Medical Teaching Organisation |
MTO | Metal Turn Over |
MTO | Mexicans Taking Over (band) |
MTO | Manager of Train Operations |
MTO | Maritime Tasking Order (US Navy) |
MTO | Midshipman Training Officer |
MTO | Munger Tolles & Olsen LLP (California law firm) |
MTO | Member Telephoned Office |
MTO | Multi Territorial Operator (wireless communications) |
MTO | Missionary Teens Only (Netherlands) |
MTO | Modernization Transition Ombudsman |
MTO | Modernization Transition Overlay |