MPEMax-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik
MPEMinistry of Petroleum and Energy (Norway)
MPEMicrosoft Photo Editor (software)
MPEMalignant Pleural Effusion
MPEManufacturing Process Engineer
MPEMaximum Permissible Exposure
MPEMaculopapular Eruption (dermatology)
MPEManaging Photo Editor
MPEMulti Programming Executive
MPEMulti Processing Enabled
MPEMulti Protocol Encapsulator
MPEMulti Processor Expansion
MPEMicrosoft Photo Editor
MPEMultiservice Provider Edge
MPEMcafee Policy Enforcer
MPEMeeting Place Express
MPEMotion Picture Experts
MPEMission Partner Environment (US DoD)
MPEMidwest Parent Educators (Kansas City, MO)
MPEMulti Protocol Encapsulation
MPEMail Processing Equipment (USPS)
MPEModern Process Equipment
MPEMolecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (journal)
MPEMost Probable Explanation
MPEMors Principium Est (band)
MPEMcAfee Policy Enforcer (software)
MPEMulti-Programming Executive (HP Operating System)
MPEMulti-Photon Excitation
MPEMercury Playback Engine (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
MPEMultiphase Extraction
MPEMoving Pictures Expert Group (filename extension synonymous with MPG and MPEG)
MPEMechanical and Production Engineering
MPEMaximum Permitted Error
MPEMission to Planet Earth
MPEMinimum Phone Error
MPEMilitary Personel Element
MPEMean Percent Error
MPEMaster of Physical Education
MPEMarket Participant Exception (constitutional law)
MPEMedical Physics Expert (EU)
MPEMajor Program Element
MPEMultiservice Provider Edge (Nortel)
MPEMarginal Propensity to Emit (greenhouse gases)
MPEMitsubishi Pharma Europe (Japan)
MPEMy Point Exactly
MPEMultiprofessional Education
MPEMustang Performance Equipment (Racing; Whitman, MA)
MPEMulti-sensor Precipitation Estimator (US National Weather Service)
MPEMinimum Probability-of-Error
MPEMaster of Psychiatric Epidemiology
MPEMessage Passing Environment
MPEMagnetic Particle Examination
MPEMaximum Permissive Exposure
MPEMaggi, Pierce & E.J. (band)
MPEMission Planning Environment
MPEMiniature PLGR (Precision Lightweight GPS Receiver) Engine
MPEMidwest Products and Engineering
MPEMostardi Platt Environmental (est. 1976)
MPEMaximum Predicted Environment
MPEMap Publishing Environment
MPEMaster of Public Education
MPEMetamath Proof Explorer
MPEMaximum Potential Energy
MPEMaximum Power Exposure
MPEMedical Practice Executive
MPEManual Plot Entry
MPEManchester Phase Encoding (clock signal)
MPEMorello Park Elementary (Martinez, CA)
MPEMission and Performance Envelopes
MPEMission Processing Equipment
MPEMore Powerful Explosive
MPEMaryland Photogrammetric Engineering, Inc (Silver Spring, MD)
MPEMarkov Pefect Equilibria
MPEMissing Planning Element