Acronym | Definition |
MPE | Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik |
MPE | Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (Norway) |
MPE | Microsoft Photo Editor (software) |
MPE | Malignant Pleural Effusion |
MPE | Manufacturing Process Engineer |
MPE | Maximum Permissible Exposure |
MPE | Maculopapular Eruption (dermatology) |
MPE | Managing Photo Editor |
MPE | Multi Programming Executive |
MPE | Multi Processing Enabled |
MPE | Multi Protocol Encapsulator |
MPE | Multi Processor Expansion |
MPE | Microsoft Photo Editor |
MPE | Multiservice Provider Edge |
MPE | Mcafee Policy Enforcer |
MPE | Meeting Place Express |
MPE | Motion Picture Experts |
MPE | Mission Partner Environment (US DoD) |
MPE | Midwest Parent Educators (Kansas City, MO) |
MPE | Multi Protocol Encapsulation |
MPE | Mail Processing Equipment (USPS) |
MPE | Modern Process Equipment |
MPE | Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (journal) |
MPE | Most Probable Explanation |
MPE | Mors Principium Est (band) |
MPE | McAfee Policy Enforcer (software) |
MPE | Multi-Programming Executive (HP Operating System) |
MPE | Multi-Photon Excitation |
MPE | Mercury Playback Engine (Adobe Systems Incorporated) |
MPE | Multiphase Extraction |
MPE | Moving Pictures Expert Group (filename extension synonymous with MPG and MPEG) |
MPE | Mechanical and Production Engineering |
MPE | Maximum Permitted Error |
MPE | Mission to Planet Earth |
MPE | Minimum Phone Error |
MPE | Military Personel Element |
MPE | Mean Percent Error |
MPE | Master of Physical Education |
MPE | Market Participant Exception (constitutional law) |
MPE | Medical Physics Expert (EU) |
MPE | Major Program Element |
MPE | Multiservice Provider Edge (Nortel) |
MPE | Marginal Propensity to Emit (greenhouse gases) |
MPE | Mitsubishi Pharma Europe (Japan) |
MPE | My Point Exactly |
MPE | Multiprofessional Education |
MPE | Mustang Performance Equipment (Racing; Whitman, MA) |
MPE | Multi-sensor Precipitation Estimator (US National Weather Service) |
MPE | Minimum Probability-of-Error |
MPE | Master of Psychiatric Epidemiology |
MPE | Message Passing Environment |
MPE | Magnetic Particle Examination |
MPE | Maximum Permissive Exposure |
MPE | Maggi, Pierce & E.J. (band) |
MPE | Mission Planning Environment |
MPE | Miniature PLGR (Precision Lightweight GPS Receiver) Engine |
MPE | Midwest Products and Engineering |
MPE | Mostardi Platt Environmental (est. 1976) |
MPE | Maximum Predicted Environment |
MPE | Map Publishing Environment |
MPE | Master of Public Education |
MPE | Metamath Proof Explorer |
MPE | Maximum Potential Energy |
MPE | Maximum Power Exposure |
MPE | Medical Practice Executive |
MPE | Manual Plot Entry |
MPE | Manchester Phase Encoding (clock signal) |
MPE | Morello Park Elementary (Martinez, CA) |
MPE | Mission and Performance Envelopes |
MPE | Mission Processing Equipment |
MPE | More Powerful Explosive |
MPE | Maryland Photogrammetric Engineering, Inc (Silver Spring, MD) |
MPE | Markov Pefect Equilibria |
MPE | Missing Planning Element |