Acronym | Definition |
MPH | Master of Public Health |
MPH | Miles Per Hour |
MPH | Masters in Public Health (degree) |
MPH | Medicine and Public Health (various schools) |
MPH | Meters per Hour |
MPH | Michigan Public Health |
MPH | Make Poverty History |
MPH | Mr. Potato Head (Hasbro toy) |
MPH | Manlius Pebble Hill |
MPH | Metroid Prime Hunters (gaming) |
MPH | Mentally and Physically Handicapped |
MPH | Musgrave Park Hospital (Northern Ireland, UK) |
MPH | Multi Purpose Hall |
MPH | Medical Park Hospital (various locations) |
MPH | Mobile Parts Hospital |
MPH | Mountain Pleasure Horse |
MPH | Championship Auto Racing Teams, Inc. (NYSE stock symbol) |
MPH | Mount Pleasant High School |
MPH | Male Pseudohermaphroditism |
MPH | Mennonite Publishing House (Scottdale, PA) |
MPH | Methyl Phenidate |
MPH | Modbury Public Hospital (Australia) |
MPH | Malaysia Publishing House |
MPH | Minimum Path Heuristic |
MPH | Half-Duplex Modulation Parameters (V.34 negotiation) |
MPH | Management Physical Header (ANSI) |
MPH | Mobile/Portable/Hand-Held |
MPH | Military Packaging Houses |